Cd signing

15 1 0

Tiffany's P.O.V

After Justin and I got done eating we headed to his car.

~~~~~~ON THE WAY~~~~~~~~

Justin put the address in his GPS and we were on our way.

"So did you sleep well"" yeah""cool did you dream""yeah""about""i was on a boat ride""cool". That was all I was saying on the subject.

~~~~~~at the place~~~~~~

The place was huge and there wasn't any room to breathe and the worst part, it echoed so twice the screaming. Don't get me wrong I love Justin's and all but they can be a headache sometimes.

We got there 10 mins later so they were swooning for a minute before they could actually talk to Justin.

Once the lines were open they needed every security guard they had to control the madness.

"Hi how are you today""good I have been waiting since midnight to get in first""cool I love fans who have that type of dedication", that is when she started screaming and walking away.

I was standing beside him and some fans said hi or waved and I waved back. My twitter was blowing up with sweet comments,and some not so sweet but I just ignore them at this point.

Then came a girl who looked about 16ish. She had on heels,the skinniest jeans they make and a crop top. She had he belly bottom pierced, she looked sooooooo uncomfortable.

Once she got to where she was next she started giving me dirty looks. Once she really got closer I could tell who she was.

About a year ago there was this girl on twitter who was always writing mean comments on my page. She even messaged me death threats so she got her account deleted. Well about 2-3 months she got another account and she still wrote mean things. I didn't tell Justin because the process was to much to go through again.

"Hi Justin I am such a big fans"she said handing him the CD. "Cool well thanks for buying the CD""your welcome thank you for being you""i try",he said joking. She seemed nicer now so I decided to be nice back.

"I really like your shoes" I said trying to be nice. "Whatever" she grumbled under her breath.

Great now I have to deal with chick.

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