day 13 cross dressing

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I changed some of the smut things last night. I didnt want to do some of them. and new covers inspired by fob and whatever the fuck they're doing right now (':

Pete would be home in three hours so Patrick knew he had to hurry and get home so he could pose in all his new clothes he bought. Patrick wasn't supposed to use all of his allowance money that his husband let him spend. He was supposed to use a little of the month's amount at a time but he just spent it all on one trip.

He quickly stepped over the threshold and closed the front door and carried all his shopping bags into the spare room. He quickly slipped off his black and white sneakers took off the black joggers he had worn and the black shirt he wore with it. He opened one of the shopping bags and pulled out the pair of lace panties he bought and slipped his briefs off. He pulled the panties up his legs and smiled at how they looked on his pale frame. He kept his whole body and shaved and waxed so wearing the panties looked so neat and nice on him; he loved it. He opened another shopping bag and pulled out the ruffled lavender blouse.

He pulled out a white pleated skirt and pulled it on over his head, that way he didnt have to go through the trouble of tucking the shirt into the tight waistband. He looked in the floor length mirror that was leant against the wall. He smiled widely at his reflection.

The skirt just barely went past his ass but outlined it perfectly. He opened a new shoebox and pulled out the white heels and set a hand on the spare room's white wall for balance as he slid the size eight heels on his pale feet. He wobbled slightly on one foot until he got the other heel onto his left foot. He wobbled a little more until he got his balance and stood in front of the mirror.

"Perfect," he muttered, smiling proudly at the cute outfit he bought and put together.

He had to lie to each store owner that he was buying the clothing articles for a nonexistent girlfriend. He didnt know why anyone would think he would have a girlfriend, he looks positively gay.

He twirled slowly in front of the mirror and smiled, watching the sides of the skirt move slowly along with his movements. He jumped when he heard the downstairs home phone ringing and so he quickly slid off the heels and ran down the steps, still buzzing with the happiness of seeing himself in the clothes he bought. He picked up the phone in his hands.

"Hello?" He asked into the receiver.

"Hi, honey," Pete's warm voice greeted him. He smiled, imagining Pete smiling back on the other end. "How are you? You doing alright?"

"Hi Petey," Patrick said. "I'm fine. How is work?" he asked politely.

"Surprisingly slow," Pete sighed on the other end. "Nothing to do all day, actually. I may come home early. Do you have anything planned for dinner?"

"No. not yet," Patrick sighed.

"Did you go out shopping like you planned?"

"I. uh, I did. Yes," Patrick stumbled over his words.

"How much did you spend?"

"All of it," Patrick whispered.

"Patrick! Honey, I told you, no spending it all at once," Pete said sternly. "What all did you spend it on? That was a hundred dollars. What did you spend it on?"

"I-I'm scared to tell you," Patrick whispered, tears coming to his eyes and he shoved his face into his hand that wasn't holding the phone. "I spent it in several stores."

"Tell me the stores. I want to know how my money was spent, Patrick," Pete said.

"Uhm, Victoria's Secret. New York and Co., I think that was the name. Uh, a-a shoe store. Th-There was another one too. I bought like six things," Patrick said nervously.

"What things?"

"Girls things," Patrick muttered.

"What do you mean by that?" Pete asked. He knew exactly what all Patrick bought, he checked his bank account and it said what all he bought specifically. He just knew Patrick wouldn't tell him if he didn't question him. "Come on, honey, you won't be in trouble."

"I bought a-a skirt," Patrick's bottom lip trembled, he was scared his husband would be disgusted with him. "And heels. Girl shirts. A-and girl's underwear," he whimpered and flattened his palm on his white skirt. "I'm sorry."

"Honey, its perfectly fine. I don't mind you wanting feminine clothing. I'd love to see you in skirts and heels. Especially in panties. Honey, wear whatever you want. Next time, just dont spend your allowance all at once, okay?" Pete said, smiling to himself. Patrick sighed in relief; Pete wasn't mad. Well, he was. He was just mad Patrick spent all his money. "I'm going to come home early tonight. I want to see your pretty little in that skirt. I'll be home soon. Love you."

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