Chapter 3 ~Creature of Perpetual Resurrection ~

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  "I'm not sure I quiet enjoy the party!" Tessa whisper to Michael. Gaspar, Michael and Tessa currently enter Sir Malcolm Croft's compound few miles from the heart of London, the party is big and grand, when they three enter an old man with bright red beard approach them," Michael St. Pierre!"

"Mr. Croft, it is a pleasure!"

"Nonsense child, last time I saw you are nothing than a sweet wee young lad! Tell me do you still read?"


"This young boy over here it's always fond of book, he use to teach my younger daughter how to read, now Young Michael tell us about your favourite line?"

"Shakespeare is always my favourite, All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." Malcolm laughed.

"Isn't he amazing, a young boy with taste now...Aren't you going to introduced me to your companion over here?"

"Of course how rude of me, this is Miss Theresa Lillian Ives and this Mister Gaspar Aguilar de León!"

"A Spanish Lad I presumed!"

"Barcelona!" Gaspar offer him his hand to engaged in exchange," A very beautiful place indeed! What about you Miss Ives?" Malcolm look at Tessa who seems to be distracted," Oh I'm born and raised in London Sir!"

"Very well I must say enjoy the party! I'll see you around Mister St. Pierre, Miss Ives, Mister de León!" Malcolm retreat himself.

"Never thought you for a Shakespeare, I always thought you of more Mary Shelley!" Gaspar whisper in his ears.

"Very funny Mister de León!" Michael said sarcastically.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move..." Gaspar said.

"Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love. Very good Mister de León!" Michael smile at him then they were interrupted.

"Isn't it the future physician, Michael St. Pierre!" a voice coming from behind them, then a tall, slender man with medium length hair, he have unnerving beauty, brown eyes and carry himself like a nobleman.

"Dorian Gray!"

"It's been immortality since I saw you!"

"Come on Mister St. Pierre I know a thing or two about immortality! Now, who is this beautiful flower here?" Dorian brush his hand on Tessa's hand.

"Theresa Ives Sir!" Tessa bowed," Dorian Gray! Such beauty in the middle of this place!"

"Miss Ives would not be attracted be your charm Mister Gray!"

"Well no one could resist my charm!" Dorian winked at Tessa then he walk away and then Tessa snapped," What the bloody hell happen?"

"Dorian Gray happen, that man is like a diamond to a woman... and some man!" Michael grab a glass of wine and walk away," Come!" Tessa and Gaspar follow Michael into other room, there is a rounded table for six in the middle of the room," Go sits on the chair!"

"You're not sit?" Gaspar look at Michael who's standing," I've done this many time and frankly I grow bore of it!" then Malcolm enter the room with a woman," May I introduce you to Madame Beauchamp!" Madame Beauchamp is a French woman who looked to be in her late 40's-early 50's with shoulder length, dark brown-reddish hair and piercing green eyes. She sit at the chair," Ladies and Gentlemen put your hand on the table!" they all do exactly as she said.

"What are we doing?" Gaspar ask Michael who standing beside him," It's a party game, a séance!"

"Shall we start?"

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