Chapter 8 ~ The Trinity~

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Magnus, Charlotte and Brendan met each other three years ago in the forest of Congo, Africa and secretly has been fighting alongside each other in secret for years. They three called themselves The Trinity and was created by man named Ragnar Gustaffson, a priest from Norway and the head of Crane Society in Scandinavia regions.

"So, Valentine and Rupert Zhang is dead." Magnus said. The three of them currently in the dining room at Brendan's apartment.

"The Order finds our headquarters and they executed them along other members." Charlotte stated," We're currently investigating about who leaked our information."

"Any leads?"

"I hacked into Order's server and found a digital transfer of five million dollars to an account belong Rafael de la Cruz." Magnus said.

"De la Cruz clan is a werewolf clan from The Philippine, they're deals in a shady stuff like pirating to anything illegal." Brendan revealed.

"Can you track down any De La Cruz members in New York?" Charlotte ask Brendan," I can but it will take time. In exchange, I need a safe place for me and Loan."

"You're right considering that Loan is now wanted by the coven now." Magnus said which make Brendan shocked," One of the Coven spy spotted you and Loan having sex but do not worry, I already took care of it. This evening, there will be a gathering in the castle and everybody will be in it including Marion Skye."

   "Marion Skye, that name sounds familiar." Brendan wondered.

   "She is Vincent Lyle's trusted servant, and one of his second-in-command, and one of Vincent's pawn." Charlotte said.

   "So this is a perfect opportunity to take down the Order. While the Society is busy handling this, we will sneaks into the Skye Building and stole destroys them."

   "It settles then, we'll be in touch." Charlotte and Magnus leaves his apartment. Few hours later, Brendan returns to his room with breakfast on his hand and a cup full of blood into his room to find Loan standing behind the window feeling the sunlight.

  "So it's true, you're one of the day-walker." Brendan stated.

  "I was born with this and so does my sister and any pureblood vampire's children." Loan replies.

   "I brought you some scrambled eggs and a some O negative." Loan look at him skeptically," Don't worry, it's poison free— I know someone who works at the Red Cross." Loan nods.

   "I found this, your journal and one of them is about Marion Skye and Skye Biotech Company, What is it about?"

   "You know Marion Skye?"

   "Other than Vincent Lyle's side whore no, not much." He replies.

   "Marion Skye is the daughter of Arnold Skye, CEO of Skye Biotech and she is the lead scientist. When I was in Congo couple of years ago, I was on a military mission to infiltrate a drug guerrilla deeps in the jungle and only to find that the drug is used to fund a research, Marion Skye's research on hybrid."

   "I heard about those research when the elders speaks about it months ago, creating a perfect weapon by creating Vampire-Werewolf hybrids."

   "Yes, a being with both vampire and werewolf abilities but without their weakness." Loan knows that there is a worry and sudden change of toned when Brendan speaks of it," But don't worry, I've never heard a successful experiment because of it failed before they were born."

"What if they succeed?"

"Nightmare." Brendan said.

"For a long time, the Coven has been nothing but a puppet— used by the Crane Society and their war with The Order but no more."

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