Chapter 10 ~ Rebirth ~

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"It is called Khepri, an Egyptian god of creation, the movement of the sun, and rebirth." Said Mother Baroness. She is a middle aged African-Creole woman with a wavy brown hair and a chocolate skin tone. Her body was tall and fit, and she often dressed in bold colors. Like the majority of the other witches in New Orleans. She speaks in a New Orleans southern accent.

   Pietro is currently at her house somewhere outside the French Quarter near the bayou where she lived alone after he took Alder there to see if she can check his condition.

   "The mark all over his body?"

   "It's a pack mark, the spell that the vampire tricked him to cast is combining the life force of the deity to Alder and they are currently sharing power but this spell is rarely successful and if Alder did it and still alive that's mean the Khepri took him to his liking but do not worry, Khepri is not a malevolent deity but like any deity, God complex but according to this mark, Khepri is not the one that possessed him, it is a being known as Kherty." Mother Baroness place cup of ankh necklace around the unconscious Alder neck," The necklace will protect him."

   "What else do you remember?" She asked Pietro as she lead him to talk outside her house at the porch.

   "Just this." Pietro handed her the vial of cure," He said about the cure?" She take the vial and smile," At what caused?" She glance at the cure and shove it into her pocket.

"This Kherty, What is it?" Pietro asked.

"In the ancient time it called Death in Persona. The Greek deemed it charon but they're not dangerous unless you crossed them."

   A car slowly approached the house," New York license." Pietro then become more alert and hold it in his right hand just in case. Then the door open revealing Emma and Loan.

   "The doppelgänger." Pietro stated.

   "Mr Mimieux, What do we own such pleasure?" Mother Baroness walks towards him followed by Pietro behind her.

   "So you know who I am."

   "A daywalker and a son of an Elder, your reputation precedes you. Also you have my son's appearance."

   "Is that so? Charming." Loan smile wickedly.

   "We need your son's help about Vincent..."

   "A bit too late, mate." Pietro speaks up," Vincent Lyle came yesterday and forced my boyfriend to cast a powerful spell on him to turned him into some sorts of, I really don't know."

   "A possessed sorcerer." Mother Baroness continued. Sounds of rustling and thumping like footstep around them," What's that?" Emma clutch on her gun at her back holster," Don't worry, It's the Bayou Pack, they protected the bayou." Then they are surrounded by human in their ripped outfit growling at them.

"Mother, Why are they like that?" Pietro asked.

"They're not Bayou wolf, they're Vincent Lyle's mercenaries." Loan said.

"They must've known you're here." Mother Baroness said suddenly the humans turns into their werewolf form which is two times larger than average human with a long muzzle and pointed ears, giving them a marked resemblance to a real wolf and bipedal. 

   When the werewolf approaches the house, something repel them from approaching Mother Baroness' house," Wolfsbane sees planted around the house, you muds cannot pass through them."

   Emma and Loan follow Pietro and Mother Baroness into her house to see Alder in his sitting position and when he look at Loan he looks surprise and confuse," How do we look exactly like?"

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