Chapter 5 ~ Days of Future Past ~

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"The explosion in Bedlam Hospital in mid 19th Century, this looks fascinating." Emma Duquesne is the descendant of Robert Hopkins and Theresa Ives. She look like the exact copy of her ancestor, Theresa except with a long blonde hair.

   "Then What happened next?" Asked Helen Kitsch, a jewish American hacker who happens to be Emma's best-friend. They currently in the library in London after Emma discovered a secret journal belonging to Robert Hopkins.

   "Listen to this, After the explosion he and Sabine alongside Tessa returned to see the cell room is covered with silver dust and in the middle if the room they saw Gaspar and Michael's corpse embracing each other and not far from there is The Countess' corpse."

   "They committed suicide together?" Helen asked.

   "It appear so."

   "That is so sweet, anyway I try to find from the web about The Order and The Hellfire Club then I stumbled upon this." She show her the websearch," Thomas Lyle, CEO of Lyle Consolidation."

   "It appears Lyle Consolidation is just a cover up for the real Order." Emma nods.

   Few days later, Emma is standing in front of an office building in New York City," Here goes nothing." Emma take a step into the building but before that she was hit by a bicycle and fell unconscious when her head hit the ground.

Emma open her eyes and look around to see that she's in an apartment room," You're awake?" A young man walk into her and brought her a glass of tea.

   "What happened?" Emma said as she had a throbbing headache.

   "My older brother accidentally hit you with his bike. I'm Valentine, Valentine Thorne." Valentine is a young man with similar descent with Michael St. Pierre. Except he is slightly taller and standing at 5'9" ft. He have a short black hair with red streak, he also have a slender and slim figure.

"You're human." Emma said. Val start to smile," Yes, you truly are Theresa Ives' descendant."

"Wait, you know my ancestor?" Valentine walk to his bookcase and take a book," Michael St. Pierre wasn't the only son, his father another son— legitimate named Zhang. He is younger than Michael and particularly adore Michael, he was my ancestor. Zhang is a scholar, he research everything about everything regarding vampires and other things that goes bumps in the night."

Emma slowly take the book and open it to see a portrait of Robert Hopkins, Sabine Malchance, and the other. But on the back there is a written," The Crane Society."

"It is an extremely secret order society in Shanghai during the late 19th Century by Zhang and Robert Hopkins."

"Why would Robert built this Order?"

"We wish to protect humanity not just from vampires but from The Order too." Emma nods knowing that based on what she read on Theresa Ives's journal ever since Vincent Lyle was appointed as the order's head the order became corrupted that's how she put it.

"Wait, you said we." Valentine handed her what looks like a Chinese coin with crane symbol on it," You came to New York to make a different and this is your chance, the choice is yours." Emma take a look at the coin.

Suddenly there is someone entering the door," You tell her everything?" Then another older young man join them," Emma this is my brother Rupert, one of the society elite warrior." Rupert is a a tall, attractive, and athletically built young man, his appearance is likely due to his position as the society's warrior. He has straight black hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin.

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