The Dream

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That night when Lotis fell asleep he had a disturbing dream.

He saw someone that looked like him the only differences is that his eyes had purple around is puple and orange around that and his crest, wings, and tail feathers were the same color orange as Lotis' but were tipped with purple. He was standing in front of a gate alone well until a small green and yellow raptor, that looked exactly like Lotis' own father, ran up to him.
"What do you want Sunflower...." The blood raptor said.
"I WANNA PLAY!!" Sunflower quickly replied jumping up and down "PLAY WITH ME JACKSON!"
"No." Jackson replied "I'm busy."
"Busy with being boring." Sunflower smirked.
Jackson looked down at Sunflower annoyed "Ok you wanna play a game cause I have a really fun one in mind."
Sunflower gasps "Really!!"
"Ya and all you have to do is follow me and we can start the game." Sunflower quickly nodded and followed Jackson as he walked to a field near their home.
"Stand here and wait until I come back ok." Jackson said and Sunflower sat down.
Jackson walked away and came back with a shovel knocking Sunflower out. He dug a hole and buried his brother alive. After he was finished a mostly featherless she-raptor came out from behind a tree.
"So you FINNALY snapped at our annoying brother." The female said.
"Ya." Jackson replied "Laika can you tell father."
Laika nodded "I'm guessing the plan is happening soon huh." Jackson nodded.
Laika walked off and so did Jackson. Laika soon came back with a pale yellow raptor with green display feathers. They dug up a frightened Sunflower as he gasped for air. The time skipped to a few days later as Lotis watched his odd double kill his parents, siblings and even killing a white female nurse with pink display feathers, she looked like Birch and Orchard, Jackson and Laika left only one in the castle alive because they said she was infertile and useless. Jackson didn't stop though. He turned to Laika smiling and then jumping on her biting and scratching her with his claws. Laika faught back but wasn't nearly as strong as her brother. She called the guards to shoot him. When he was killed Laika soon died only a few seconds later.

Lotis woke up with a jolt confused and scared. He looked at his claws and layed back down shaking. He didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

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