A Nice Home

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I was starting to like this place a lot. The night terrors are pretty chill with me and have even taught me how to hunt like them and make baskets and stuff like that. I was having fun and meeting new friends.

I saw one night terror that looked odd. She was a dark brown color and had small ears. She was lean and had pretty long legs and was absolutely stunning. I asked Vulture about her and he said "Oh that's Fawn, one of our best stealth hunters in the day. She's quiet unique." Fawn. She was more than unique to me. I think I kinda fell in love with the terror but I was quite shy to tell her or anyone but Vulture. He tried coaching me but I just couldn't do it.

After a few weeks here I felt like I was truly accepted unlike the raptor village in the forest where Orchard is. I settled in well to say the least.

I kept having weird dreams about that albino raptor though. It freaked me out and I haven't said a word to anyone else, not even Vulture. I kept seeing me destroying everything and killing so many people. I hated these nightmares and prayed that they would never happen. The white raptor was there, praising me for the destruction. I woke up panting from another nightmare where I saw Vulture dead with his body mutilated and surrounded by less mutilated Auraraptors and Night Terrors. I looked beside me to my friend, who was currently laying down on his side facing away from me, and wandered over to curl up next to him. He looked at me "Another nightmare Lotis?" I nod, still panting, and he rolls over to cuddle me "Well you can stay here and I'll try to protect ya from them." I start to calm down, doze off and nuzzle into his warmth. His warmth was always, and oddly, nice and comforting to Lotis.

The next morning I woke up still in Vulture's embrace. I smiled and purred not wanting to get up or do anything. Soon Vulture woke up and shuffled making me whine and cling to him. He chuckled and held me "Come on little scarlet it's time to get up." I whine in protest "Lotissss." I pout "I don't wanna Vul!" "I don't care scarlet you need to." I grumble and roll off him. He gets up and stretches and picks me up with me flailing. We go outside and he stands me up. I get going to where I need to go, which was hunting class. I waddled over and sat down trying to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and kinda failing. The rest of the class joined and the teacher pulls out a training dummy of a trike and we all practiced attacking it with me falling off. The class giggles and the teacher helps me up and let's me try again to which I pass without falling off again and rest against a log.

So much has happened to me in the time I've been here, it was crazy to me. I've learned that vulture is my uncle, I'm the last known "royal" of my species, that I'm a Blood Raptor and what that means, as well as learning that I'm part of something bigger than just me. Fate and destiny suck. I'm destined to marry and breed with Orchard even though my feelings for her is starting to falter and I'm starting to feel those feelings for someone else, though you all already know who, but most of all my fate seems controlled by that white raptor.

I HATE that white raptor!

I try to relax, but fail and instead walk around the den. I saw my grandfather talking with his mate, though I couldn't hear about what, and both looking excited but also, somehow, concerned about something/someone. I walk away to keep wandering until I ran into the beautiful Fawn. She was wandering, much like me, and looking under rocks and logs with the only conclusion I could draw was that she was looking for bugs or snakes. I climb a tree and watch her from a branch and, just from her presence, calming down almost instantly. I was entranced by her beauty and grace but I was too caught up in a daydream I hadn't noticed she was now looking up at me. I finally noticed and snapped out of my daze while fidgeting with my claws before making eye contact with her striking sky blue eyes.

I felt my face heat up and was, for once, thankful for my feathers being the same color as my blood.

She smiled at me gently and full of her natural sweetness. She was so serene even being this amount of casual carelessness for what anyone saw her doing.

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