Family Meeting

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I groaned as I woke up and looked around. It was still dark so I couldn't have been out long. I looked to my left and saw Vulture laying there still out. I layed back down looking up at the sky and the stars in it. I tried to move my arms to prop my head up but when I moved them closer to my face I see that my hands were tied together. I lifted my legs and strained my neck to see if they were as well and they indeed were. I relaxed and sighed in annoyance. I heard voices coming closer and I pretended to still be asleep. They walk past where we were and I felt relieved as their voices disappeared. Thats when someone grabs me and pulls me up. I was met with a tired looking night terror. He looked me over and then nudged  Vulture with his foot to see if he was asleep still, which he was. The terror grunts and drags me away from Vulture without a word.

I was dragged through the darkness for a good ten minutes before being thrown on the ground and landing on my stomach and arms with a grunt. I looked up and was met with two terrors that looked pretty old and appeared to be a couple. I looked them over and they in turn looked me  over. The female was slinder and small with light sapphire blue eyes. The male was bulky and fairly tall with bright amber colored eyes.

I didn't know what to think at that moment before the male spoke "Glorious this night is! My grandson has been delivered to me at last and it was worth every second that passed by!" He clapped his hands together "Tonight we shall celebrate his arrival when the moon is at it's highest point." he said to some messengers who nodded and walked away to tell everyone else. "Where am I and who are you?" I asked to which he smiled and said "You are in the secret den of the Night Terror Kingdom. As for who I am. My name is Accipitridae and this is my wife Kestral and we are the rulers of this kingdom." "And you're my grandfather?" "Yes dear child." I blinked and shook my head to clear my thoughts. I saw him motion a guard over and say "Now why is my only grandson tied up UNTIE HIM NOW!" the guard rushed over to untie me. Afterwards I stood up and cleared my throat and said "Why is my friend still back there tied up like an animal!?" I saw Accipitridae pause before sending the same guard to get Vulture. "Now tell me. What is your name?" He asked. I replied "My name is Lotis." "Well Lotis I've heard that your Sunflower's son and that hunters killed your whole family when you were very young. Is that correct?" I nodded. Kestrel holds my head gently and looked into my eyes and said "You look so much like your uncle little one. I hope that you don't go down the path he went on years ago." Her voice was calming and enchanting like bird song. She kissed my forhead and let go of me, smiling.

Soon the guard comes back with a struggling Vulture who is quickly untied. He stands up and looks at me and then at the other two terrors with his bright lime green eyes. "M-mother! F-father! I-its so good t-to see you!" Vulture said with a shaky voice. "And what an honor to see you again Vulture." Accipitridae said, sarcasm clear in his voice.

We all stood there in awkward silence before I broke it with "What did Vulture do to you Accipitridae?" His glare turns to me as he says "He didn't want his birthright of being king. He abandoned his people like a coward." His words were filled with hatred but I didn't dare talk back. "Where do I fit in this broken kingdom?" I asked to which Kestrel asnwers "You were destined to rebuild your fallen kingdom and reclaim the throne that Jackson and Laika took from you." "But why me?! Why do I get the throne?" Accipitridae answers this time with "You are the last living prince that the raptors have. Though they might not accept you since you're a blood they will when you become their king." I looked at my shaking claws "Why are my talons turning yellow?!" Vulture sighed and made me face him "Royal raptors are characterized by their golden talons. As you get older more gold will shine through until you're an adult and they're completely golden." I breathed heavily and nodded.

All of a sudden a sharp pain goes through my body making me fall on my knees and shake uncontrollably. A dark laugh gets louder and i recognized it as Osprey. Another strike of pain makes me scream and grab my head as tears fall down my face. I hear Osprey say "This stone is even more than important to you isn't it?" all I could get out were whimpers and squeaks "All I did was drop it on a rock a few times. I mean it didn't even crack or chip and your already like that!" He laughs. I shakingly look up at Vulture and he starts walking towards a laughing Osprey and punches him in the face making him drop my stone and stumble back. I grabbed the object quickly and held it close to me as the pain started to fade.

"Vulture! Osprey!" I hear Accipitridae yell. I stood back up stumbling and saw that the brothers were frozen in place looking at their father. "What were you both thinking!?" He stated. "I wanted to know why that stone is so important to him." Osprey said "And I was defending my friend." Vulture said. Accipitridae looks at Kestrel and then back at them "Osprey you will be punished for hurting Lotis. And Vulture, good job." Osprey looked awestruck and angry "BUT HE'S JUST A WEAK LITTLE RAPTOR THAT CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!!" he said. His father walks over to him and slaps him to the ground. He walks to me and puts a hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry Lotis. I'll make sure he never takes the throne." I nod and look over to an angry Osprey. I felt a wave of relief hit me.

Maybe this will turn out alright in the end after all.

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