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Incoming Call
Loser 💩

"Hey, what's up?"

"Just checking on my favourite sister."

"Your only sister, but thanks."


"Have you eaten?"

"Yes, thanks to you Hansol shoved a burger down my throat."

"That's not the only - nevermind, I actually don't want to finish that sentence."

"You concern me with your investment in me being gay."

"Well aren't you?"

"I mean, yeah. But still. You don't have to ship me with all my friends."

"Not all, just Hansol."



"Mi, uh, thanks for being worried about me. And, even though it wasn't the best method, thank you for asking Jeonghan and Hansol to tell everyone else to make sure I eat."

"... it's nothing, really, I mean..."

"Don't be embarrassed."

"I - I'm not..." YeongMi cleared her throat awkwardly, suddenly feeling like she had swallowed the Sahara desert.

"Look, I promise not to go so hard with this diet, if you promise to relax a little. You're making everyone else concerned too, and it's not that big of a deal."

"Whatever, to you it isn't but you're too skinny now, too fast."

Seungkwan smiled, "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Yeah well, you should be."



"You guys finally went on an arcade date. It took you long enough. What, 3 months and you finally did it."

"How...." YeongMi smirked, "are you stalking my instagram?"

"I may have created a private account to see your posts... and Namjoon's... hey! I'm your brother, it's my right."

YeongMi chuckled, secretly pleased with her brother's actions. The fact that he was so invested in seeing their relationship was enough to make her heart swell. "Okay. Are we cute or what?"

"No comment."

"Oh come on. You couldn't ask for a better relationship for me."

"Mi, are you happy?"

YeongMi smiled to herself, thinking deeply. "Yeah, I am. I really am. I'm not worried about everything anymore. I trust him, Kwan. I really do. All of them, real friends, they're truly good. I think, maybe, next year I'll have you meet all of them."

"Wow, as your brother?"

"I think so."

Seungkwan grew excited. The fact that YeongMi kept him a secret was something he understood, but he still felt a little hurt by it. And hearing that she had finally found people who made her comfortable, comfortable enough to share her family with them, Seungkwan finally realized just how well everything was working out.

"Kwan, I... I think I love him."

Seungkwan froze, thinking he had misheard her. Had she just said what he thought she said? Was it true? Was YeongMi, his sister, the girl that swore love was a cruel trick, nothing but a useless lie that only naive idiots believed in, thought she was in love. The fact that she had a boyfriend was shocking enough, and now this?

"Have you told him?"

"No, I'm waiting to be sure."

"Has he told you?"

"Um, yeah. Yeah, a few times."

"He's not pressuring you, right? You're not just saying this because he wants you to?"

"No, he's an angel. He told me that I never even have to tell him, if I don't want to. That as long as he can tell me, that's enough for him."

Seungkwan nodded; that sounded like Namjoon. He was too good, and Seungkwan was almost irritated how nice he was about YeongMi. But he was happy that YeongMi had him. He wouldn't say that, of course, but he was.

"Uh, anyways, I just... yeah."

"Are you sure?"

"Not yet, I mean, I think so, but it's scary."

"Don't rush it, say it when you're sure. Namjoon wouldn't want you to lie about it."

"I know, thanks loser."

A chuckle, "of course, idiot. I love you."

"I love you too. Be sure to eat."

Seungkwan only pretended to be annoyed. "Yeah, I don't have a choice anyways. I think Woozi tried to drown me last time with the water bottle, so maybe tell them to take it down a notch."

YeongMi smiled, "not a chance sunny boy."

The Low Lives Of High Society {BTS} {Sequel To Breaking In}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora