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YeongMi was looking forward to another regular day of vacation. Namjoon had dragged her out of bed for yet another morning spent at Lake Park. Except, something about it was off; YeongMi couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt like something was wrong. 

As morning passed, YeongMi  felt her nerves proliferate, until they spread from her stomach and pressed against her lungs, making it hard to breath easily.

Until, she realized what it was. A small group of kids - most likely middle school students - had been hovering nearby, never letting the couple get more than a few paces ahead. While she doubted they could cause harm, she still didn't like being followed. 

She was reminded of her childhood, when cameras would follow her around everywhere. Now seeing the students, she began wondering, had her parents revealed her identity? If they knew she was the long lost daughter of the media's most popular couple - ten years ago - they were bound to be curious.

Besides, they looked like the type to obsess over idols, and if they knew she was Seungkwan's sister, she wouldn't be surprised that they were following her, either to take videos, or muster up the courage to talk to her. 

She turned to Namjoon, trying to ignore them for now. If she voiced her suspicions, Namjoon might be tempted to ask her who her famous family was. But, she couldn't hide her discomfort, and Namjoon, who had already noticed how distracted she was, saw her shift in mood.

"Yeo, what's wrong? You've been acting weird all day. Did something happen?"

YeongMi didn't bother trying to lie, instead shifting closer, grabbing Namjoon's arm and leaning into whisper to him. "Those kids have been following us, Joon." 

"Are you sure? Maybe they just want to go to the same places as us, I think you're overreacting babe, it's fine. What are a few kids gonna do?"

YeongMi shrugged, but she couldn't shake the feeling that they were being followed. "They're staring at us way too much to be a coincidence, seriously. Just look at them." 

Namjoon still didn't look convinced, but he turned his head to the huddle of kids. YeongMi was going to yell at him for being obvious, but a shrill scream quickly shut her up. 

While she wasn't wrong about them following her, it turned out that they didn't care about her at all. They were there for Namjoon.

"Oh my god! It is him!"

YeongMi stared in confusion, as they group quickly rushed over, gushing to Namjoon and speaking in very rushed breaths. 

"I'm a big fan! I mean, we're big fans! We've seen all of your stuff, you're so cool! When are you going to do public shows?"

YeongMi couldn't open her mouth to speak, not until after the girls shuffled away with their hands full of signed journals, and their phones full of photos. 

"Look, I know you're hot, but what were they talking about?"

Namjoon looked disappointed, though not surprised. He took a deep breath, grabbing YeongMi's hand and leading her to a secluded area of the park to talk. 

YeongMi suddenly grew nervous. 

"You know how I make music? Well, I post it online."

"What?! I didn't know that! Joon, that's great," YeongMi hesitated, "but, why didn't you tell me?"

Namjoon sighed, "you never ask about my music, why would I expect you to care?"

YeongMi took a step back, biting back the pain. "Joon, of course I care. If it's important to you, why wouldn't I care about it?"

"You never showed interest before," Namjoon was harboring bitter feelings, and it looked like they were erupting, before he could stop it.

"Joon, I never asked because you never tried to tell me about it. I just figured you wanted to keep that part of yourself private, and separate, like a stage persona versus the regular you. I didn't want you to think I was forcing myself into your entire life."

"Oh, I'm not the one who likes to keep secrets, YeongMi, that's you. Is that how you see it? You think I'm forcing myself into your life when I ask about your family? What, you don't want me in your life, then?"

YeongMi suddenly felt exhausted, as if the life was draining from her body. She held her breath for a moment, as if the smallest sound would make her collapse. It seemed that it had been too long since she had fought, and now, she didn't seem to be able to muster up the rage. 

"You're right, I'm sorry." 

Suddenly, they didn't feel like staying out any longer, so they hurried home, neither speaking a word.

And YeongMi remained calm and blank until she was safely hidden in the guest bedroom, the door firmly shut. But no matter how many doors she closed, none of them would protect her from the words that were burned into her mind. Would she ever forget?

"It's not that much of a stretch, really."

"You're the biggest disappointment I've ever had."

"You're a disgrace."

"You're a spoiled brat."

"I don't even know you."

"Why would I expect you to care?"

What was wrong with her? 

The Low Lives Of High Society {BTS} {Sequel To Breaking In}Where stories live. Discover now