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Incoming Call from Loser 

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"YeongMi, finally! You dropped off the face of the Earth for a while there?"

"Yeah, funny thing, there I was, dangling at the edge of the world, and I was-"

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm cool."

"... Did anything happen."

"Not particularly."

Seungkwan sighed. 

"Hey, that's my line," YeongMi complained, doing her best to cheer up her brother.

"Well, I taught you everything you know." 

A snort, "yeah right, you wish boo."

"Don't wear out my name now."

"Yeah yeah. How are things over there? Distract me."

"Well, we're all busy working on the new song. It's exciting, and exhausting, as always. Hansol is still shoving food down my throat, and Jeonghan keeps complimenting me, which is really weird. Thanks for that."

"Of course boo, it's my pleasure. It's gotten you back to a healthier weight, hasn't it."

".... anyways."

"What else? I heard from Mingyu that Minghao keeps interrupting practice to take a call."

"Oh, yeah. He's annoying as shit, talking to his boyfriend Eunjae. Can you believe it?"

YeongMi grinned, "he has a boyfriend! That's great! Don't ruin his happiness, I'm warning you."

"I wouldn't dream of it, you do know that I actually like these guys."

YeongMi rolled her eyes, "I'd hope so, otherwise it'd really suck to live with them and spend all your time with them."

"What about you?"

"I'm doing fine. Nothing is really wrong, except for me, so that's great."

"You really won't go to therapy?"

"Not a chance."

Seungkwan sighed again, and YeongMi mocked him. 

"I don't need people telling me what I already know, Kwan."

"Really? Then why do you like compliments so much."

".... Fuck you man."

Seungkwan chuckled, "love you too, idiot."

"Go back to practice, loser, you're doing the same thing Minghao is."

"Whatever, whatever. Bye bye, idiot."

"Bye bye loser."

**** Did I just bring in the main couple of my collab story Querencia? You bet your ass I did ****

The Low Lives Of High Society {BTS} {Sequel To Breaking In}Where stories live. Discover now