Guild Mark

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(Your point of view)

I had finally decided to join a guild. It took me a lot of digging, but I found one. Fairy Tail. The guild that fell from glory because it's finest members left. Maybe they'd take in a weakling like me in? It's been seven years since they fell from grace, so they must be taking in all the members they can get. Hopefully. I only know teleportation magic and slow time magic. It's not that effective for winning a fight and I know know bit of hand to hand combat. It's good for surprise attacks, but my enemies can catch on quite quickly.

When I arrived at the guild hall, I noticed them being threatened by some guys. Something about not paying up. Time to make a good first impression. I slowed time briefly, kicked their shins and teleported them away. I hope I did good... A man with blue hair and a moustache approached me. I would assume he's their guild master. "Thank you so much for the help. How can we repay you?" He asked me. I scratched the back of my head and gave him a smile. "Actually, I was wondering if I could join your guild," I told him sheepishly. "Of course you can," he told me with a welcoming smile. "Where would you like your guild mark?" A girl with short purple hair asked me. "Oh and what colour?" She added. "Um, (f/c) on my neck," I replied quietly.

Not only was I a weakling, I wasn't exactly a people person. That's why I didn't join a guild. Quickly, I scuffled over to the job board. I didn't want to have to talk to many people. There was one job to find a loss kitten for 500 jewels. That was it. I let out a deep sigh. Better than nothing, I guess. "Um, excuse me?" I asked the gentleman I believed was the guild master, since he let me in and all. "Master Moscow at your service," Moscow greeted. "Is it- uh, would it be alright if I t-took this job?" I asked while stuttering. I held up the job paper for him to see. "Of course it is. Go get them, uh." Moscow paused for a moment. I'm such an idiot, I haven't even told them my name. "(F/n) (l/n)," I whispered. "Well, go get them (y/n)." Moscow said. I nodded and left.

All I got to find is a kitten. It really can't be that hard. Especially if the kitten is wearing a pink frog costume... that's actually quite odd. It didn't take long; I found a cat in a frog costume walking around. I picked it up. "Hey, put me down!" A high pitch voice demanded. I kept hold of the cat. No one else is around... meaning the cat is talking. "I'm sorry. There was a job to find you from..." I started. I looked at the flyer. "Sabertooth!?" I gulped. The cat stopped struggling. "Rogue's there! I got lost, can you take me there?" It asked. I nodded. "Thank you!"

The Sabertooth guild hall was nearby, so it didn't take long to get there. I gently knocked on the door. A man with blonde hair opened it. "What?" He asked harshly. I took a step back, looked away and held up the cat. "Give me a second," he said more gently. Shortly after, a man with black hair was at the door. "Frosch!" The man exclaimed. "Rogue!" The cat squealed back. "Thank you so much. I couldn't pick up Frosch's scent. Here's your payment," the black-haired man said as he handed me 500 jewels. "Thank you..." I said as I took my leave.

When I returned to the guild, there were so many people I didn't recognize. A short, old man walked up to me. "Moscow told me you joined while we were away. Welcome to the guild, I'm master Makarov," the short man greeted. He stuck his hand out. I shook it. "I thought Moscow was the guild master," I said to no one in particular. "Temporarily," he replied. I nodded and looked at the other members. Specifically, I looked at their guild marks. One on the thigh, one on a hand and one on a shoulder. I looked a man with black-blue hair. I couldn't see his guild mark.

"Hi I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you," a blonde girl introduced herself out of no where. The guild mark placement isn't that important. "And I'm Natsu!" A pink haired boy greeted. The man I was looking at earlier approached - he was in his underwear. "Gray," he said. I gave him a disapproving look. "Don't look at my Gray like that!" A girl with blue hair yelled. "And that's Juvia," Lucy said. "I'm (y/n) (l/n). I just joined today," I introduced myself. I looked back at the man in his underwear. His mark was on one of his abs. "And, to protect my eyes, put some clothes on!" I told him. I teleported somewhere and came back with a shirt and some trousers. I chucked it at his face.

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