Ghastly Training

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(Your point of view)

*time skip to two days after because I should Google more one liners*

I sat at the bar and ordered a drink from Mirajane. She also came from whatever mess occurred at Tenrou Island. There was one other person sat at the bar: Cana. Luckily for me, she was focussing on getting drunk. That means no social situations except for- crap crap crap. Please don't start a conversation Mira. Please. "Here's your drink," Mira said gleefully. She placed the drink in front of my. Thank- "So why did you join the guild?" Crap. "I heard about this guild when I was a kid. I told myself I would never get into any guild because I'm such a weakling. Eventually, my father told my I need to join a guild, get shelter and make friends." I paused for a moment and took a deep breath it. "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but when Fairy Tail became... not the most popular, I thought I'd actually be able to join a guild. All the other guilds rejected me because I'm weak," I finished explaining.

I then turned back to Mirajane. She put her hand on top of mine. "You're not weak, (y/n)." Mirajane consoled me. Stupid people starting stupid conversations. "I'm pretty sure I am. My magic isn't that effective in a battle," I signed. She cupped both of my hands in hers. "What is your magic?" She asked me. Mira rubbed my hands with her thumbs. At least she's nice. I think I could get used to this. "Teleportation and slow time," I replied. "That isn't weak! That's really hard magic to master," Mira exclaimed. I shook my head. "It won't be winning any battles though," I whispered. "Hmmmm... Oh!I have an idea, (y/n). Why don't you train with one of our guild members?" Mira suggested. Any type of fighting magic combined with my own could be quite effective. I nodded my head.

"Gray! Will you come over here, please?" Mira called. Oh no... not the naked clown. "Yeah?" The clown said as he stopped next to me. Is he shirtless? Yes he is shirtless. "Please put your clothes on. I want to protect my modesty," I sighed. "Crap, not again." Gray exclaimed. Well, he didn't really exclaim. He has one tone: monotone. And different sounds of that tone and right now it's slightly louder. "Well, Gray, (y/n) here has said she doesn't feel that strong because she only knows teleportation and slow time magic. So, could you please teach her ice make magic?" Mira asked. Gray looked at me then back at Mirajane. "No can-" he started to say, but Mira started to tear up. "Yes, of course I'll help her." He quickly changed his answer. Mira's tears disappeared immediately. "Thank you, Gray!" She said. Clever... really clever...

"So, if you're not busy, let's start." Gray told me bluntly. I nodded and followed him. He took me to the top of a snowy mountain and he still hadn't put any clothes on. "Strip," he said bluntly. What. The. Hell. I slapped him then teleported a good two meters away. "Hey! What was that about?" Gray yelled. "I don't know about you, but I don't ask people I barely even know to strip!" I yelled back. "It's ice make magic! You need to be one with the cold to use! Or something..." he explained. His voice trailed off. I teleported back over to him. "Fine. But if I see your hand anywhere near there, then I swear-" I stopped when I saw him go a bit red. "You weren't thinking about that, were you?" I sighed. He shook his head and I reluctantly undressed into my underwear.

*time skip to after training because I seriously do not know what to put*

"Well, we can try again tomorrow." Gray sighed. I was doing horrible; I couldn't do a single spell. As we were walking back to the guild hall, I noticed Gray had his hand on his cheek. It was exactly where I slapped him. Does it still sting? "Hey, um, I'm sorry." I murmured. He looked at me. "Why are you sorry?" He asked me. Why!? Is he an idiot or something!? "I'm sorry for slapping you, thinking you'd stoop as low as something disgusting and sorry for being useless in training." I apologised. Gray put one hand on his hip and shook his other hand next to his head. "Don't worry about it. You'll learn eventually," he told me. Did he seriously gloss over the fact that I belittled him in such a way? I guess he understands... Good enough for me.

I sat down back at the bar and Gray went over to Natsu and Lucy, I believe their names were. "How did it go?" Mirajane asked me. I rolled my eyes and exhaled a long sigh. "Not well. First, he told me to strip. I got the wrong impression, so that didn't turn out well. I also couldn't do a single spell, so I didn't make up for earlier. I was pretty-" I was cut off by Mirajane shushing me. "You're not useless! You'll get a hang of it!" Mira told me with the most heart warming smile. If only all people were like Mira. "He said that, too." I stated. "Really? When? Gray doesn't really say things out of the blue," Mira wondered. "Well, I was apologising for it. He glossed over me thinking he'd stoop so low and slapping him and went straight to saying I'd get a handle on ice make magic." I explained. Mirajane started speaking again, "Gray isn't that bad. He's not impatient, unlike Natsu. He will hopefully train you for as long as it takes."

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