Genuine confession

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(Your point of view)

I started to blush red and looked into his blue eyes. Do I really want to do this? Mira said I should. "One second," I quickly said. I quickly teleported around the area and was relieved to see Juvia wasn't here. I teleported back to Gray and started dancing again. He just went with it, thankfully. "Are you having fun? Today's been great if you ask me" I asked him. Gray looked down at me and replied, "Yeah, it's good." I smiled and went a bit more red. "You're face is as red as Erza's hair," he joked. "That's something to be proud of. It means you should be cowaring in fear," I laughed back. He let go of my waist and dramatically fell to the floor. "I have been killed for ruining the mighty Erza's picnic," he gasped.

You're stalling. You're stalling. You know you're stalling. Stop. "So, that can't be the almighty thing you need to tell me," Gray said as he got up. "That was also the first time you used my name, so it's got to be important." He added while puttng his hands back on my waist. "Or it could be childish. Or dumb. Or welcoming a death threat," I replied. "Come on," he said. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. "You know, I never really liked people. Until I came here, at least. Mirajane helped me really open up. When she got us to train, I had assumed it was going to be hell. But now, now I like it." I still stalled and refused to get to the point.

I sighed. "Doing training with you was the most fun I've ever had." I scanned the area again with my eyes, making sure Juvia wasn't here. Gray nodded to signal me to keep going. "Sorry, I'm beating around the bush here." I apologised. "You have no idea how much this has meant to me." What am I doing? What am I doing? I'm still beating around the bush. I need to stop that. Does he know where I'm going with this? Does he not know where I'm going with this? Life is so hard. Why must I participate? I took a deep breath in.

"Gray I-" I began, but I saw water girl in the distance. "Graayy!~" she called. I hate my life. Quickly, I stepped back from Gray. He caught my jist and took a few steps back, too. "Gray! Come go on a job with me!" She squealed. Good thing I'm wearing a dress... "I'm kind of busy," Gray replied. I put my fists up, as if we were still fighting. I also started to fake pant. "I'm not gonna wait forever to continue the fight!" I yelled. "Why are you fighting her?" Juvia asked curiously. Stupid water girl! Right when I was going to do it. "Because Mira got me to train her, because she didn't know any attacking magic.  It's been a long time, so I'm testing her." Gray explained.

"Why was she holding you?" She pressed onwards. Gray just pointed to his privates. "How dare you hurt my Gray there!" Juvia hissed. "I'm alright, Juvia. Please can you go? We want to train in peace," Gray asked. He turned towards Juvia and gave me a thumbs up behind his back. Thank you. "Okay... I'll go on a job by myself or maybe with Gajeel." She said dejectedly. And with that, Juvia walked off. I let out a long sigh of relief and fell backwards into the snow. "Thanks for playing along," I said. "It was nothing," Gray replied. He put his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

The snow and skates have melted... "Ice make snow," I murmured. I saw Gray with a small smirk on his face. Is he proud? I hope he's proud. "I'll be back in a second," I told him as I do another round of teleporting to find Juvia. And, sure enough, I find her behind a rock. I sneak up behind it. "Water girl," I said. Her back shot up straight and then turned towards me. Her face was one of annoyance and displeasure. "What are you going to do with Gray?" She demanded. I face palmed. "Like I said, fight." I replied. "Then what's with the romantic snow?" Juvia pressed on. Why can't you just go!? It was perfect! But then you showed up.
"It's an attack. Go," I said bluntly.

She isn't budging till she knows we're fighting. I teleported back over to Gray and whispered the situation in his ear. Once again, I made a peace sign in the air and then pointed my fingers at Gray. The snow hardened and cut at Gray's arms. "Ice make sword," Gray said particularly loudly. Putting on a show, are we? "Ice make skates," I said. "Superficial, I know.  But why not?" I added.
Gray lunges at me with the sword, I quickly evaded it. I did get a scratch on my arm, however. I started teleporting in circles around him. After I picked up a good pace, I slowed time. I kicked him in the side with the blade of my skates.

He gasped for a moment, but then said "Ice make spikes." A bunch of ice spikes rose up in a circle. One of them grazed my knee and scratched up my arm. I teleported back over to water girl. Stupid water girl. "Point made?" I asked her. "Fine. I see that you have nothing to hide. I'll go," she murmured and walked off. I followed her briefly to make sure she would stay away. Luckily for me, she did. I came back to Gray. "Ice make snow," I murmured. I put a smile on my face. "Now, where were we?" I asked rhetorically. I put my hands back on Gray's shoulders. He puts his back on my waist. "You had something to tell me," Gray reminded me. I went red again.

Crap. I completely forgot about that. Is now an appropriate time? The perfect setting died earlier. "Gray, I've been meaning to tell you something important. I talked it over with Mira because I wasn't sure how to put this," I explained. I took in a deep breath. "Gray, I love you." I said. I'm not sure how I managed it, but I went more red. Gray pulled me in closer for a... hug? Does he feel the same way?

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