Gray Jealousy

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(Your point of view)

*I'm going to be straight with you. I'm lazy really lazy. So basically, what happened here was the grand magic games. You got some training here and there. Now that arc is over and you're back at the guild hall. Basically, laziest time skip ever*

"Are you alright, (y/n)? You've been drinking more than usual..." Mira pointed out. I shook my head. "A. I'm not okay. B. I can hold my liquor. C. Don't tell Cana that," I replied. I finished my cup while thinking about what I should do. Mira's a sweet heart. She'll give me good advice... "Mira. I like someone in the guild-" I began to say, but I was cut off by a familiar voice saying "ice princess." Idiots... I let out a sigh. "It's Gray. But I'm nearly 101% sure he doesn't feel the same way. He probably sees me as a pathetic student because I've mastered so few things so far. And, during the grand magic games, I saw him holding hands with Juvia... I think he's grown find of her," I explained.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Mira suggested. I shook my head and pointed to Juvia. "The worst the can happen is him saying no, but it's not the end of the world. And, if Juvia happened to do something, then we'd do something about it." Mira continued. That's true... I guess. "Have you had training today?" I shook my head. "Then tell him then!" Mira said. Maybe... or I could find out more with the Juvia situation. "I could do that. But, I think I'll ask about water witch. It makes more sense for me," I told Mira. She nodded. "Also, I would stop drinking so much. I'm pretty sure no one can hold liquor like Cana!" Mira joked. I nodded.

A while after, Gray came and got me for training. I'm pathetic. I'm pathetic with magic and I'm petty with love. Gray put one of his hands on my shoulder. "Something bothering you? If it's the magic, don't worry about it. You're doing fine," Gray reassured me. So sweet... crap crap crap. I tripped over a rock. Thankfully, Gray caught me. "S-Sorry. I'm a little out of it today. I was thinking about some... stuff," I stuttered. He helped me stand up straight and we continued walking. "What about?" He asked me. Good idea? Bad idea? Both idea? What? Never mind... I'll try to weasel it out of him.

"I really feel like Juvia's going to kill me soon. And even sooner if you two were an item," I awkwardly laughed. Gray kind of got what I meant. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you. Besides we're just friends. I think your safe for a while," he joked. How do I put this lightly? "You looked suppppeerrr lovey-dovey at the magic games," I said in a teasing voice. I wasn't exactly teasing him, I was testing. "Hey! I was caught up in the moment! It was us that round too!" He retorted. I just laughed. "Only teasing... ice princess," I laughed. "Please-" he began. But stopped when he noticed my fists were up. We had already reached the top of the mountain, so I had already stripped. "Let's go, twinkle toes." I challenged him to a fight.

"Twinkle toes?" He repeated. "I heard a little story about a certain ice skater dancer. He danced with a certain crab~" I practically sang. "Fine. You're on! I won't go easy though," he yelled. "Good. I want this to be all out," I giggled. I teleported behind him, but he had guessed as much. "Ice make sword," Gray said. A sword was quickly coming my way, so I teleported in front of him and kicked him in the ribs. "When I said all out, I didn't mean impale me. But, whatever. Now it's on!" I announced. I went in for another kick, but he caught my foot. Crap, if I teleport now he'll still be there. He twisted my ankle, which made me fall to the floor. "I'd just like to apologise for not putting up as good as a fight as flamethrower," I apologised. I quickly teleported out of his line of fire again. "Ice make lance," he said.

It gave me a few cuts on my arm and side. I quickly face planted when I fully grasped the situation. I challenged him to a fight in my underwear. We are currently fighting on a snowy mountain, in our underwear. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "Catch me, I wouldn't want to get hurt." I said. I teleported above him and started to fall. He looked at me with wide eyes. When I was level with his head, I slowed time and kicked him in the chin. Gray fell backwards and had blood coming from his mouth. "I'm sorry!!! I'm really sorry," I apologised. He let out a small laugh. "You're gonna get it now," he laughed. I am dead. Lord have mercy on my soul.

"Ice make canon." Gray fired a bunch of ice canon balls in the air. No where to run. "Ice make cage." The canon balls came crashing down on me. I sustained injuries on my legs, arms and hip. "Ready to give up?" He asked me. I smirked and teleported out of the cage. He raised an eyebrow at the position I was in. He knows very well I'm terrible at ice make magic. He knows very well I'm about to use it. "Ice make..." I began. "Dance."

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