Grand Magic Games

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(Your point of view)

"Oh, by the way (y/n), we're entering the grand magic games!" Mira exclaimed. Figures... "That's cool. I'll come watch," I replied and gave her a smile. "Fairy Tail's is going to be number one again, just you wait and see!" She squealed. Miracles only happen in... fairy tales. I wonder if we'll get lucky. "Mira, the girl with blue hair is staring at me. Juvia," I whispered as I pointed to the girl. She was glaring daggers at me. "Oh, it's probably because of Gray. She loves him to the end of the world," Mira answered. In a crazy way? I guess in a crazy way. I looked over to her, hoping that she would stop. She didn't stop when we made eye contact.

"I'm going to place my bets on who the people entering are. If I'm right, free drinks for a week." I stated cheekily. Mira put her hand on her chin and replied, "Hmmm... challenge accepted."Alright... first five. Lucy, Natsu, Juvia, Gray and the red haired girl." I said confidently. "Erza," Mira told me. "Alright, then obviously you, the s-class with blonde hair, the iron dragon slayer, the drinker and your brother." I said. "You were really close, you missed two." Mira told me. I let out a sigh. "That deserves atleast one free drink. Right?" I asked. Mira nodded. "Of course," she said and passed me a drink.

*time skip to next day brought to you by black magic. That can be taking two ways*

"Hey, come on (y/n). There won't be much time for training when the games start," Gray told me. Arghhhh. Too. Early. "Mmmmmkay," I said as I dragged myself out of the guild hall. The snowy mountain: the training mountain for young strippers. "It's weird," I murmured. Gray let out a "huh?" I turned towards him. "I wonder what events would lead to someone being so perverted, but so innocent. You constantly strip and you tell me to strip during training. Yet, you had no ill will." I commented. He adverted his gaze and looked a bit down. Did I make him think of something sad?  "S-sorry," I stuttered. Stuttering will be the death of me one day. He waved his hand again, shooing off the thought. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing," he told me.

He's so sweet... no wonder Juvia looked like she was going to kill me. "Hey, um... you know water girl. Uh, Juvia. She was staring daggers at me earlier. Mira said she was crazy over you. Thoughts?" I asked him. "Sorry if I'm being nosy!" I quickly added. I turned to face him again. Gotta admit... he's kinda cute... and has nice abs. No. Heart of ice. "Juvia? She's sort of crazy. Been obsessed over me ever since I met her," he replied curtly. That means I still have a chance! Wait, what am I thinking? He's a teacher and I'm the student. Nothing more, nothing less. He probably just sees me as a weakling anyways.

*time skip to after training because seriously I still don't know what to put*

"At least you managed to do one today," Gray... complimented? Sighed? I'm not sure if he's proud or disappointed. But, he's right! I managed to do a completely useless ice make spell. It's something. Did he start off with a square, too? I mean, a really shoddy square, but a square nonetheless. "Thank you," I whispered. He gave me a mildly confused look before realising what I ment. "No problem," he replied. I used up... quite a lot... of magic power... I feel... tired. My walk turned into an amble before I tripped and my vision faded to black.

When I awoke, I noticed I was in the infirmary. I didn't bother to check in with the lady with the pink hair; I went straight to Mira. "Hey, Mira." I said awkwardly. "Oh! (Y/n)! How are you feeling?" Mira inquired. "Uhm... good. What happened?" I replied while questioning her about the event. "Gray told me you used up a lot of magical power and fainted," Mira replied. "Usual?" I nodded. There was a bunch of ruckus, so i scanned the room for the source of the noise. Sure enough, I saw Natsu and Gray head to head. "What did you call me, pink pyro!?" Gray yelled. "I called you an ice princess!" Natsu retorted. Children.

I walked over to the pair and put one hand on each of their heads. I pulled their heads apart and smashed them together. "Hey! What was that for?" They shouted in unison. "Listen, I just go out of the infirmary. My head hurts immensely and you two yelling at the top of your voices ensures a slow recovery. So, for the love of everything that is holy, shut up. Honestly, you're a pair of kids." I hissed. "I'm not the kid! He's the kid!" They both rebutted. I glared daggers at them. "I said lower your voices," I growled. I softened my expression and turned to Gray. Juvia's staring at me again... I can see her out of the corner of my eye. "Thanks for taking me to the infirmary, by the way." I told him before returning to the bar.

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