Eyes, Cat, and Judgement pt. 1

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A 10 year old Chris meets a brown haired boy in the park. Little did he know this sad looking boy would be so important to him in the upcoming years of his life.


                          👀😻🙄  Eyes, Cat, and Judgement  👀😻🙄 :

                                                               Part 1

“Mama! Oh mama, hurry up! We're gonna be late!” A high pitched voice rang throughout the quiet household of the Unsound’s. The sound of tiny footsteps becoming louder as a young child left the kitchen and dashed into the living room.

“Chris dear, relax, we can't be late going to the park. There's no set time to be there.” His mother explained as he now stood before her in front of the couch.  

Chris’ excitement dropped a little at her words. Was he annoying her again? God he hoped not. “I know mama, I just wanna go play.” Chris said slightly looking down at the ground, raising his small right hand picking at the Band-Aids that stuck to his cheek. “I'm sorry.” he said sadly, looking up at his mother without moving his head.

“No need to say sorry honey.” She reassured him, getting up from the couch. Moving her child's hand away from the Band-Aids he was messing with. “Just let me go get Aiden and we'll leave. How's that sound?” Chris' mother said smiling as the beautiful young child snapped his head up and smiled widely at her.

“Ok! I'll go get his baby bag!” Chris said bolting out of the living room and into the kitchen once again.

“Only my boy.” His mother thought as she smiled, going upstairs to get the other love of her life.

***********(Time skip)**********

“What time is it mama? Would you like to go back home?” Chris asked looking into his mother's eyes when they bolted up from the book she was reading and at him.

“Would you like to go home?” She asked reaching up and and brushing a strand of black hair that fell into her son's eyes. “It's only been maybe a hour dear.”

Chris shock his head no with a small smile. “I'd like to stay.”

“Then why ask?”

“You seem… bored…” Chris said grabbing the hand that was once touching his hair and holding it in his small hands.

“Nope, just reading. Go have fun dear, it's a nice day. Don't worry about me.”

Chris nodded letting go of his mother's hand. Her eyes soon leaving Chris’ and back to her book.

‘What to do. What to do?’ Chris thought as he climbed upon the bench his mother and brother sat on. Taking his place next to Aiden.

“Hey A. Wanna play a game?” Chris whispered to the baby in blue. Aiden looked up at his brother with a judgmental look. As if he knew he was too young to do anything like that with him. He could barely stand by himself for God sake.

Aiden’s eyebrows furrowed together as he raised his hand and swung it at Chris. Of course, Chris saw it coming before Aiden was even thinking of doing it, so he easily avoided it.  

“You wanna play tag?!” Chris perked up jumping off the bench, his feet wobbly touching the ground. “Ok! Tag you're it!” Chris yelled jabbing his brother in the chest as he “tagged” him, then took off running down the sidewalk at a pretty quick speed.

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