Things about Miles~

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So I was tagged by the Queens (or Kings) Strange_az_fudge  and remnora (maybe more idk) to so this taaaaag. Idk if I'm supposed to do it more than once since 2 people tagged me but what can i say… I'm hopeless at times!



1) I'm a 16 year old female (July 30th is my birthday)

2) My favorite person on earth (my boyyyy 😍) is 5 months old, he likes to laugh and hates taking naps if I'm not with him…. Blame him for me being constantly busy every day

3) My favorite color is blue (black and white a close second)

4) My first tattoo is coming in about a week, something I'm doing with my pap

5) I'm a major art junkie, I draw whenever I have free time

6) I'm bisexual

7) I have 2 dogs and a kitten who's a complete savage

8) I'm EXTREMELY shy…. But sassy once I get to know you

9) I have a weird thing for Sharks, they amaze me (they're beautiful creatures)

10) I'm now realizing this is getting hard…. (I'm 5’2…. Short af)

11) I've been in a fist fight before in the middle of the school cafeteria

12) I can't sleep without noise or I feel like somebody's watching me

13) I'm always willing to listen to your problems if you need help or just have a conversation even tho I'm awkward. Just remember I'm always a click away.


Writing this made me realize…..

I'm trash

I know I need to tag people so I'll do that tomorrow!!!! So check up when I do. I need to clean then sleep.

I just wanted to post this… what can I say  

LY ALL and I'll see ya soon ;)

There might be a typo or 12, it's late and I'm going crazy

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