Eyes, Cat, and Judgement pt. 2

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When Ted goes over to Chris’ house to stay the night, he ends up having a blast. But his happiness is cut short.

*********(The Next Day)********

The hot rays of the sun hit Ted's favorite red shirt as he stood impatiently outside his mother's vehicle, waiting for her goodbye. Yesterday after meeting Chris and their mother's talking on the phone they decided they should hang out today. Ted's mother's said it would be good for him since he didn't leave the house much, and that he was still “upset” over the whole Foofy ordeal. He wasn't that upset really, but he did like the idea of getting out of the house and truly meet Chris’ family.

“I'll be back tomorrow around 2 to get you Potato, I love you.” Ted's mother whispered quickly as she pulled the phone away from her face, leaving the person on the other line talking to nothing but air. “Be good!”

“I will mom. See you tomorrow.” Ted whispered back shutting the car door after his mother nodded and went back to her business call. The red mini van soon taking off and dispersing into the distance.

“Love you too.” He whispered to himself, but referring to his always busy mother. He didn't say it to her often, but she knew. He hoped she did at least.

Ted sighed through his nose pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind, as he nervously turned around facing the large Gray house behind him. The bright green grass looked freshly mowed, the large wooden fence that surrounded the property looked a little worn down but not terribly, and the pathway leading to the steps of Chris’ home has pieces of cut grass littering it. His yard matched the happy, sunny vibe the day was giving off. It was too hot for Ted's preference,but it was still pretty out nonetheless.

Once Ted built up the courage he started his little journey to the steps of Chris' house. His watermelon printed duffle bag hitting the side of his leg with every step he took. 'You can do this Ted, they're not even scary people! Well…. Other than that baby who might want to kill you with his bottle.’ Ted grunted at his own thoughts, the baby couldn't do anything to him, so why worry, right?

Once Ted walked up the 4 steps he walked up to the dark gray door and knocked 3 times. Then, he waited.

He could hear Aiden start crying at the sound of his knocking. It wasn't a pity cry, it was a angry cry, a very loud angry cry.

“CHRIS DEAR WILL YOU SEE WHO’S AT THE DOOR PLEASE?!” The muffled yell of Chris and Aiden's mother, Kate, boomed from inside the house.

Ted waited for a few minutes but never heard a reply, but before he had time to wonder the front door swung open and the boy his around age stood before him. He wore a black and white stripped shirt with gray jeans, and his hair was soaked, as if he just got out of the shower without drying it off. Some water droplets rolling down his face.

“H-hi.” Ted said shyly waving at Chris, who was now smiling with excitement.

“Hi! Come on in!” Chris exclaimed stepping out of the doorway so Ted could come into his home.

Once inside Ted looked around at nicely done livingroom, everything from the medium sized TV on the wall that played cartoons, the red couch that sat in the middle of the room, to the pictures that hung on the wall of the 2 Unsound children.

“Go ahead and go to the kitchen, mom's making food.” Chris said shutting the front door with a loud slam, making Ted jump. “I have to dry off my hair.”

“Can't I come with you?”

“I mean… you can if you want.” Chris said shrugging grabbing Ted's hand and pulling him up the stairs with him, leading him to one of the rooms in the hallway that had a yellow door.

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