Gasoline pt. 2

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**Relax and enjoy the movie, it's that simple**

********(One week later)********

“Don't forget to send in your assignments, I'll be going through some of them tonight.” The pearl blue eyed professor announced standing at his podium as he watched his students rise from their seats and frantically grab their belongings after being dismissed.

Today was Friday and he heard some rumors of a party that would be taking place later tonight, before the big game tomorrow. Like a celebration of some sort.

Of course he wouldn't be attending, but he couldn't say he was in a hurry to get home either. His house was a few miles off campus grounds so the drive home would be a long and boring one.

Ted groaned at just the thought of having to drive home. Alone.

He loosened his white tie a few notches as he continued to scan the now almost empty hall, removing his mind off some things.

Most of the students were already out the door, while others just stood around waiting for their friends to finish - whatever they were doing - so they didn't have to walk out alone. Some of his students who were waiting, had their eyes glued on him.

Ted wasn't stupid nor blind to the fact that most of them had eager eyes on him during his lectures. And not a learning type of eager either.

All those eyes showed either hate or want, no in-between. And to an extent, it freaked him out.

Was there attractive faces in the sea of people he taught? Yes. Has been since day one. But Ted didn't look at them the way they looked at him. He was sorta like a meal to all of them, some wanted to devour while others wanted to toss him into the trash.

Well, all but one student in particular.

“Hurry man! Gear’s awaitin.” A student by the name of Mark yelled from the hall's exit to the blonde in the front of the room.


“I can't find my phone!” Chris yelled back as he frantically checked around the seat he always sat in.

Ted didn't even need to look over at Mark to know he was rolling his eyes.

“You're such a blonde!”

“Clearly.” Ted grumbled in a whispered with a “matter of fact” tone. He knew what Mark really meant, it was just stupid and irrelevant in Ted's opinion.

People lose things, so what? It makes them…. Dumb?

“Clearly~ ” Chris said in a high pitched sing song voice, obviously not loud enough for the impatient brunette to hear, but loud enough for Ted to.

After a minute or two of Chris looking for his phone, Ted himself got quite bored of watching him. He felt like a freak for watching him for so long, not that he was thinking anything bad.

“Mr. Unsound.” Ted's voice boomed, sounding more deep and serious than normal. “Is there a problem?” He asked as if he didn't already know.

Chris’ eyes left the floor and over at Ted, who was standing with great posture on his stage.

“S-slightly sir.” Chris said obviously embarrassed, Ted could see a pink rise to his face from where he stood. It was kinda like when they first meet, just not as awkward.

“Well....” Ted began as he walked from behind his podium to the edge of the stage, both arms folded behind his back. “You better hurry before your buddy there leaves.” Ted tilted his head in Mark's general direction.

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