Eyes, Cat, and Judgement pt. 3 (Final)

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!¡. Final ¡!

After some constant issues with the new town Chris, Aiden, and Kate moved to, they moved back to their home town. Living in their old house and meeting a familiar face. (I changed some things to give it my own little touch)


*******(4 years later)******

No matter how many happy thoughts he forced to flood his mind, he couldn't stop the tears or the shaking of his body. It got to the point where even the tight hug and soothing words of his mother didn't calm him down.

Not. At. All.

All Chris could do was sit on the bathroom floor as his mother sat beside him, her arms around him tighter than a anaconda's grip,with his head on her chest.

“Grab another napkin Aiden.” Chris’ mother crocked in a whisper, trying not to scare her already beyond frightened son. Aiden nodded, running to the kitchen to get what his mother asked for.

“Mama-” Chris couldn't get any other words out before he was cut off by a cough that had a taste of metallic and burned his whole throat. More blood? Seriously?

“Oh dear.” His mother cried harder seeing the blood fly from his mouth and onto her black dress. “Please Chris. Just tell me who keeps doing this to you!” Kate begged, tears falling down her face so fast that the front of her dress was covered in tear drops.

These sort of things have been happening to Chris ever since they left their hometown and he started attending school at Blackhall. First it was the name calling, then throwing objects at him, then them vandalizing Chris’ locker, to full out beating him. The last one only happened three times, but god this one hurt the worst. And this all started when the fact that he had a small crush on someone got out.

“You know I can't.” Chris whimpered, closing his only good eye.

His stomach clenched with each breath he took, the pain was overwhelming. Chris’ left arm was in excruciating pain, to the point where he couldn't hug his mother back like he wanted, so he just used his right arm to apply pressure to his bicep just hoping the pain would go away. His left eye swelled shut as he could only imagine the colors it was at the moment. Lastly was the cuts that littered his once beautiful face.

“Here you go mom!” Aiden said dashing back into the bathroom in the middle of the room where his mother and brother sat, handing her the damp napkin.

Aiden would never admit it aloud, but the way the blood stained his brothers face and clothes not only made him want to join their crying party, it pissed him off.

And it pissed him off, badly. ‘Who in their right mind would ever even think about touching one of the Unsounds!’ Aiden's thought made him grind his teeth and clench his fists. Chris was the sweetest person ever, even if Aiden found it annoying he could at least admit that much. So why hurt him? Why his brother?

A boy everyone knew would never fight back.


*****A week later*****

After a few days of talking to the police, the school principal, and some parents of troubled kids in Chris’ grade, no one could pinpoint a particular suspect. All because Chris wouldn't spill. Everyone tried to get the bruised boy to talk, but he wouldn't budge. He would just smile and change the subject, asking about their day or telling them his dream to start a cat army.

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