Shadow Forest

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The morning was not starting out very well. Tired and cranky I grabbed a muffin and darted out the door toward the shop.

Taking inventory before opening I made a list of the items we were in need of then joined the ladies out front. "Not a lot left this week. I will get the supplies and return before lunch to help with the mixing."

Grabbing some money I left to fill my bag with the bottles and few ingredients we couldn't grow or obtain ourselves.

"Sorry Tulsi, we haven't been able to get that in over a month."

"Is there anywhere else that might carry it?" I asked not ready to give up yet.

The two shop keepers looked at each other a second longer than usual. One nodding her head no.

"Tell me, who might carry it?" I asked again.

"Well, there has been talk of a shop that carries many things that are unobtainable to others," One shopkeeper stated. "We do not advise that route though," The other shopkeeper added with a frown.

"Why not? Where is this shop?" I asked.

With a little tremble in her voice the second shopkeeper whispered, "Through the Shadow Forest."

"In Drayslit?" I had always heard of the town but no one I know of has ever been there. The tales of Shadow Forest keep visitors away. Many bedtime stories consisted of the creatures tormenting anyone that went in the forest. Some say the few who ventured inside never made it back.

"Yes, see we told you. Not advisable." Nodding at the pair I paid for my purchases and returned to the shop.

"Here we go ladies. I will watch the front if  you two want to get started sorting and mixing."

Taking my post at the counter the morning went my fairly quickly. Right before we closed for lunch a long time customer came rushing in. Cringing  at the response I knew I was about to receive I smiled and waited patiently.

"Oh, I am sorry for my lateness. Time got away from me."

"It is quite alright. We still have a few things to do before we close up for lunch," I smiled, hopping she would take the news well.

"I don't see it here. Do you have some made up in the back?" She questioned looking around expectantly.

Sighing I braced for the onslaught, "We are unable to obtain one of the ingredients right now."

"What! This is the only treatment that has worked. When will you have the remaining ingredient? I am almost out of the current mixture."

"We are unsure right now. No one has had it for months I guess. I am looking at other places but it doesn't look good." I see the hopeful look fall from the customers face. "I see." Was her only reply.

"I'm sorry again. As soon as it's available I will personally bring it right over," I promised.

"Very well, I hope to see you soon then." With a  forlorn look she exited the store.

"Is that true? It's not available any where?" One of my helpers asked overhearing the conversation.

"Unfortunately yes," I answered, "Drayslit has the only believed stock available."

A gasp and "Oh my."
"What are we going to do?"

"I fear I will have to brave the forest and go to Draylist." I was not looking forward to the trek through the dark eerie forest but I know my customers wouldn't come here if they didn't need the products.

"Tulsi, no we can find some other resource. It's to dangerous."

"It's okay ladies, those tales don't frighten me. Monsters and such don't exist, just stories to keep kids from venturing into the forest."

"My sister was of those lost, its true Tulsi. She was just sixteen and went in on a dare and never came out. That was twenty years ago."

"Yes, I remember that day as well but we have no choice ladies. I will make it there and  back in no time, just have everything else ready to mix with the ingredient on my return."

Both gave me a hug, "Be careful and come back to us."

"In one piece."

"I will be back with what we need, do not worry. I will leave at first light tomorrow."

"Go home and gather your supplies, it is a rough and treacherous journey you are about to embark on."

"I will after I check in on a few injured and in need of help. I will see you both in a few days."

After making the rounds I stopped at the store and bought a few items I thought I would need during my hike and while I was away. Finally making it home and and depositing my purchases on the table I whipped up something quick to eat then I gathered the supplies and food and packed them in the backpack then went in search of some warm clothes. I have heard the forest is so thick with trees and brush and dark it was colder than normal.

Rummaging through the closet and dresser drawers I found some warm items and packed them in a another bag. Eyeing the red cape I was fortunate enough to receive yesterday I placed it on top of the bag in anticipation of wearing it the next morning.

After all was in order for my adventure tomorrow I wrapped up in my wolf quilt and opened the library book once again. Werewolves were very unique beings. They are stronger than humans but smart as well.  I wondered if all this information was real or made up for publicity and book sales.

Jerking awake I realized I must have dosed off. I remember walking though the forest when I felt eyes watching me. I quickened my pace but the sound of running followed me. Trapping myself I turned around and met the most beautiful wolf. Eyes a deep brown and fur a blueish color. Very much like on the quilt. Shivering I put the book on the table and headed to bed. (Bringing my warm quilt with me).


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