Amnesia~ Tsubaki x reader

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A/n I just realised I missed like four birthdays. Fuuto's was on the 17th of July, Hikaru's was on the 1st of August, Ema's was on the 8th of October and Subaru's was on the 21st of September. Jeez I'm bad but anyways hope you enjoy. Also thank you so much to TeddyChanslife for all your comments and votes. I really appreciate it. Plus a big thank you to the rest of you for your support. Also thank you all so much for more than 2K views, I know I say this a lot but i really do appreciate you guys.                                  
2nd P.O.V.

It all happened so quickly. The car, the lights, the crash. All you remember is driving to work and then some idiot sped through a red light and smashed right into your car. Then waking up in a huge white room with machines attached to you.

You sat in your hospital bed, laying there, just thinking. Until someone had to disturb your silence and come in. A white haired male with beautiful violet eyes ran in and glomped you in a hug. You being you pushed the guy off of you. "What the hell!?" you shouted. Not 3 seconds later 12 other boys came rushing into your room. Except these one you recognised. The Asahina brothers. You smiled seeing your old time friends. "umm excuse me sir could please leave the room so me and my friends could talk in private." The way you said friends hit Tsubaki right in the heart. "Y-eah u-um s-ure" he sniffed slowly walking out of the room.

Once he excited the, you were bombarded by questions. "Have you really forgot who he was?" Masaomi said. You smiled and said something that shocked all the boys. "Of course I haven't it's all part of my plan." Their faces were priceless. Kind of like confused puppies. "What do you mean (y/n)-chan?" Wataru asked innocently. You then explained to them that you hadn't forgotten who he was and were just pretending. "BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Yuusuke exclaimed, a frown gracing his features. You giggle, "To test him. To see if he remembers everything." All the brothers now understood what you were saying.

The door opened to reveal a slightly dishevelled looking Tsubaki. "U-um w-why did you wan-t me here?" he slightly hiccuped. "Um, apparently you are really important to me and your brothers have said they we are dating so when I get out, I hope you don't mind maybe clearing my memory?" you cautiously said. He beamed slightly at this and nodded his head. He ran up to you but stopped halfway, remembering what you did earlier. You smiled softly and opened your arms to show him it was alright. He stepped forward and continued walking towards the bed, still very cautious. He approached your bed and leaned down slightly and hugged you very gently.

~Time Skip til you get out of the hospital brought to you by Yuusuke's tsundere-ness~

You walked out of the hospital and was immediately greeted by the albino Asahina brother. You smile and hold out your hand for him to take. He was hesitant at first but shakily puts his hand in yours, entwining your fingers with his. You both blushed slightly at this and looked away. You both started to walk. "So could you take me somewhere?" you asked looking up at him. He looked down at you (SORRY TALL PEOPLE!!!) and smiled, "like where?" he asked, looking directly into your eyes. "How about the first place we met?" you asked more than said. He paled slightly (How? don't ask me) but then smiled as if remembering something. "Sure!" he exclaimed and basically dragged you to where he was going.

You arrived at small café just by a small park. You both walked in and were immediately recognised by the cashier. You two had gone there many times. You smiled lightly, you were glad he remembered where you too first met. You pretended like you were remembering something, putting your hands on your head acting as if you had a headache. Tsubaki noticed this and went over to you, to see if you were alright. He caught you as you began to fall. "Whoa are you alright?" he asked, concerned. You smiled and nodded then proceeded to stand up.

~Time skip to after you guys go to all the places brought to you by me not being able to type stuff~

You were now back at the house and cuddling with Tsubaki. His arms were wrapped around you tightly, as if he never wanted to let you go. You started to giggle, then giggle some more until you were full out laughing. Tsubaki looked very confused, as he should. "What's so funny?" he slightly chuckled, you laughter was contagious. You calmed down and replied, "You know today?". He replied with a simple 'yeah'. You smirked,"Well I was just testing you to see if you remembered all we've been through." His jaw dropped so fast. You giggled and kissed his cheek. "You me-an t-that that was just a t-test?" he asked, you smiled and nodded. He got over the initial shock of it and chuckled. "Really? So, did I pass" he asked, smirking. You smiled and kissed him, "Yep" you both smiled and finished the evening with a steamy make out session.

And scene! Finally I thought I would never finish that, but I did it. Omg so sorry guys I've had exams the entirety of this week so I was studying a lot and still have another one tomorrow. But I found time and did this. Ok guys also a question for you, would you like me to do boyfriend scenarios. This would also mean I would update more because I don't have to type as much, please comment below if you want me to or not. And another huge thank you to you all for reading this, it really does make my day to see all the views and also make me want to continue this book so THANK YOU! Anyway until next time.


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