Q&A With Author Part 2

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Hey guys, so this is what you fantabulous people on the internet wanted to know about me. So without further adieu onto the questions!

1. What was the first otome/reverse harem series you got into?
Umm, I think it was either Dance with Devils, or maybe Vampire Knight. I don't quite remember, to be honest it could even have been Diabolik Lovers or something else. I have a terrible memory, and I've seen a lot of anime.

2. Who's your favorite character from brothers Conflict?
Definitely Masaomi, he's just so adorable and he can take care of children so well. Plus to be honest he's so daddy material, in a parent way of course *clears throat *
Masaomi: *blushes*
Author-chan: *faints from cuteness*

3.What was the first anime you watched? (Also am I still you best friend?)
Sam, you will always be my best friend.
I'm pretty sure that it was Ouran High School Host Club. Which is a fantastic anime that you should definitely watch if you haven't.
*A wild Tamaki appears*
Tamaki: Did someone say host club?
Author-chan: God damn it Tamaki get back to your own anime! *pushes Tamaki back into the Ouran universe*
Author-chan: Sorry about that, ONTO THE NEXT QUESTION!

4. Can you do a Natsume? He's my fav and he's adorable~
I can definitely do Natsume, as soon as I do the others. Or if I have an idea for him I can write him one. 


5. Do you play nintendo games? If so, which is your favorite?I don't really, but like I'd play the original super Mario bros games, but that's pretty much it.

6. Who's your favorite character from Hetalia and Ouran Host Club? Xd
My favourite from Ouran Host Club is definitely Kyoya, he so hot! From Hetalia? Hmm, I love them all but maybe England or France or some European country or Canada or ALL OF THEM!!!!

So that was fun! If you guys have any more questions I love to answer them, either message me or comment and I will try to reply as fast as I can. Also, a small apology I have been busy with school work and stuff so I haven't been writing much but holidays is coming up so I will try my hardest to write loads more stories. Ok that's all from me, see you in the next chapter.


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