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***** Ridhimaa's POV *****


Am I dreaming?

"No you aren't." Same voice replied.

Did I say it out aloud?

"Yes, you did."

"Agrhh." I can't believe this. This is impossible it can't be them.

In front of me Armaan is standing, but that's not what surprised me. He is standing with my friends Zac, Luca and Evelyn. I can't believe this and that voice was of Zac.

I went towards them and pinched Zac.

"What the.. Ridhimaa?" He cursed but smiled at me.

"Are you real?" I asked, still very much confused.

"Yes, they are here." Mom said from behind me.

As soon as I heard that, I hugged Zac tightly. When I came to my senses, I released him. I didn't want mom to think that something is going between me and Zac, because of that hug. Then, I hugged Evelyn tightly and gave Lucas a brief hug

I'm happy is an understatement. I can't believe they are here, when I really needed them. I wanted to cry.

"I missed you all." My voice broke a bit at the end.

"Aww!" They said in unison and they a hugged me together.

"Come on now, let's have our lunch or else Ridhimaa will eat us." Evelyn said and we all laughed at that.

During lunch Armaan didn't speak much. I caught him looking at me, many times.
Yesterday after the lunch, I took my friends to my spare room, at 7th floor of my building, where they slept for the whole day and came down only for dinner. While having dinner we planned to go to Goa, for three days and two nights.

Armaan is also accompanying us. As he was present at the dinner, Evelyn asked him to join us too. That's the reason why mom agreed, so easily.

I don't want him to join us, but I can't do anything about it now.

I've plan to tell them everything, when I get the chance.

We traveled by train. Armaan offered to drive there but they said we want to experience train ride of India. It was a early morning train, so we slept throughout the journey.

Now, we are checking in, in a hotel. It's a very beautiful hotel. It's facing the sea.

We decided to buy only three rooms. I and Evelyn will share one room, Zac and Lucas will share one and Armaan will have his own room.

"Guys go get change, we'll meet here in 30 minutes. We'll have our breakfast first, then we'll go to beach." Lucas said. "Girls don't be late, he warned us."

"Okayyyy, Lucas." Evelyn replied and pulled me into our room.

"Now lets get changed." Evelyn announced.

"Yes," I said.

I opened my bag and removed my swimsuit. The one I wore when I went to beach, with Armaan earlier.

"What are you doing?" Evelyn asked.

"Changing." I replied frowning.

"You are going wear that?" She asked.

"Yes. Why?"

"No, you are not. I knew, you will bring something like that, that's why I brought this for you. One for you, one for me"

She removed two sexy swimsuits, one for me and similar one for herself, from her bag. Her is navy blue and mine is black that's the only difference.

"No, I'm not wearing it." I said in horror.

"Yes you are and if you don't wear it, then I'm not coming."

I tried to protest, but she held her hand up, to stop me. I don't like people ordering me around. Telling me, what should I do and what I shouldn't, but she is exception. So, hesitantly I took it from her, after a long thinking. I went into the washroom to change. When I came out, Evelyn was ready. Maybe she changed there itself.

"It's uncomfortable, Evelyn." I whined. I was pulling it down from my legs, thinking it might grow on it's own and cover my legs.

"Stop doing that, it'll stay that way. And stop thinking about it, you won't feel unconformable, then."

I then removed a scarf from my bed and wore it. Evelyn did the same.

//(See the at the start.)

"Come on, let's go." Evelyn said.

"Evelyn, I think it's a bad idea. I'll change into my swimsuit soon, it won't take much time." I pleaded her.

"Ridhimaa! Shut up and let's go." She dragged me out.

When we reached the decided place. Boys were already there talking and laughing at something.

"You look gorgeous, Ridhimaa." Lucas whistled.

"My girlfriend always looks gorgeous. Don't you baby? But I want to see what you are wearing inside. From the looks, I bet Evelyn made you wear something sexy?" Zac asked me, coming towards me.

Earlier Armaan's back was to me. When he heard Zac's words, he looked towards me, but I avoided him and looked back at Zach.

"Yaa, she did." I answered him. "I can't wear that Zac, please do something." I whispered, so that nobody can hear us.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll be with you." Zac whispered in my ears and kissed my forehead from side. "Let's go guys." I felt his hand around my waist. He guided me towards the breakfast counter, I put my hand around his waist, too.

While I was walking, I looked towards Armaan, he looked like he really want to murder someone. God knows, what's wrong with him. I avoided him and started talking to Zac.

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