I love you

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***** Ridhimaa's POV *****

He said and slammed his lips to mine.

First the kiss was slow then it became very intense.

"Now sleep, I'm very tired. We'll discuss tomorrow. Ok?" He said kissing my forehead.

I nodded and snuggled in him.

I woke up with the barking of dogs outside.

Armaan was still sleeping peaceful. Last night was not a dream.

I'm glad that he's here safe.

I saw the clock it's 10:30am.

I made my way to his kitchen. I think I should make us some breakfast before waking him up.

After some time, the breakfast was ready. So, I decided to go and wake up Armaan.

I placed the tray on the bed side table and sat on the bed, to his left.

I looked towards him. He looked so peaceful while sleeping.

I caressed his right cheek. He moved a bit but didn't wake up. So, I started tracings his lips with my tump. Still no response. So, I leaned over him and started kissing him slowly.

In just few seconds he started kissing me back. He wrapped his arms around him me tightly and changed our postion bring me below him and I yelled in surprise. After few seconds he pulled back to get some air. I was trying to catch my breath but he continued kissing my jaw and neck.



"What? What?"

"You just said something."

Shit. Did I say that loud?

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"Come on. Now don't lie to me. I heard. Say it again." He pleaded.

I blushed and look down.

I then again looked in his eyes and whispered.

"I love you."



Hearing that he kissed me hard and started pulling my body even more close to his.

"I. LOVE. YOU. TOO." He said between kissing me and I froze.

"You do?" I asked confused.

"Yes, I love you. I have loved you since I saw you for the very first time."

"What? But you never said me. Even now before you left, you were avoiding me."

"Do remember you remember when we were in school, you stopped talking to me. I didn't know the reason. I came up to you and you use to ignore. I actually wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend." I gasped and I was about to apologise him but he kept his palm on my lips. "Shhs.. And about avoiding you now. I use to get jealous or possessive. But I had no right. So I left."

By this time tears were running down my eyes.

He was looking very intensely in my eyes. I didn't know what to do. Then I remember.

"I've made breakfast for us, let's have it."

He frowned, then started laughing very hard.

"Only you can do this."

"Do what?" I frowned.

"Nothing, let's eat then we'll go to your house."

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