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***** Ridhimaa's POV *****

"Evelyn?" I called when heard her talking to Armaan about something. I can't hear them.


"I'm tired so, I'm sleeping." I lied and I don't want to see him and I'm tired too.

Today, he didn't let me explain. He avoided me throughout the day. I felt like crying.

"Ridhimaa?" When I was about to sleep, I heard it. But I pretend to be sleeping.

"I know you aren't sleeping."

"I'm sorry." Armaan continued when I didn't reply. I felt my right side of bed dipping.

"I was very hurt, when I saw you that way with him.. He always calls you all those names.... I knew deep inside my heart that what I saw was wrong...." I heard his voice breaking. "But.. but I thought, even you don't like me. I thought that, that day whatever you said to me was just to console me. You didn't mean it."

Listening that I immediately hugged him. He pulled me close to him and buried his face in my neck. I started stroking his head and back. We stayed that way for a while.

"Zac, confronted me. He explained me and said if I ever hurt you, he'll kill me. He even punched me." He said laughing and I laughed with him. We are still hugging each other. I want to be this way forever.

"I wasn't lying that day. I didn't say anything to console you. Trust me." I said, kissing his hair.

He cupped both my cheeks and said, "I know. I'm sorry for reacting that way."

"You know? At least now I know, that you really like me a lot." I said smirking.

"That I do. I.."


"Like you and.... trust you a lot." He said looking into my eyes and I blushed.

"Go from here now, I want to sleep." I said pushing him.

"Ohh, about that.." He said sleeping comfortably on the bed, then he pulled me on top of him. "I'm sleeping with you tonight." He said kissing my head.

"What? No!!" I exclaimed pushing him, but failed.

"You have no choice now. Your friends are already sleeping." He said smirking.

"I hate you."

"Thanks." He said and I punched him on his arm.

"Arrgh." He groaned and I laughed. "You are laughing on me?" He narrowed his eyes and I laughed more. "You want to laugh right? Now see." He said and straggled me.

"What are you doing?" I squealed.

And suddenly he started tickling me.

"No... Ar... Armaan.. st.. stop..please." I said between my laughter.

"Say you like me." He said still tickling me. I shook my head. "As you wish."

"OK.. Ok.. I.... Li.... Like.. You."

"That's better." He said and we smiled at each other.

I don't know who started it, but we are kissing each other. My hands were in his hair. His one hand is below my neck and another one is around my waist.

This is my first kiss, I hope I'm kissing properly. I hope he like it. This might not be his first kiss, he might have kissed many girls. They might be much more better kissers than me.

Concentrate Ridhimaa, don't upset yourself by thinking about his past girlfriends.

We came up for the air and he rested his head on mine, we were looking in each others eyes. Then he flipped us and kissed me again, with me on top of him. We kissed each other, I don't know for how many minutes then we pulled away. We both are trying to catch our breath. I rested my head on his chest and he is rubbing my back.

"Good night, baby." He said kissing my temple.

"Good night." I said and slept on top of him.

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