Dal Pakwan

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***** Ridhimaa's POV *****

I was shocked is an understatement. I've never ever imagined of this moment.

"If you don't want to, then it's ok."

"Why? I mean why all of a sudden?"

"It's not all of a sudden. I like you, no I like you a lot from the school time, but was scared to ask you."


"Yaa, you know we were best friends. I didn't want to loose my best friend and then you suddenly started avoiding me. Then, I got more nervous."



"If you don't want to, it's ok." Saying that he was ready to stand up and leave.

"Wait. I didn't say no." Hearing that he turned around with hope. "But I didn't say yes too."

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"I mean. If you buy me Dal Pakwan tomorrow morning, then I'll go out with you." Dal Pakwan is yet another favorite dish of mine. I like to have it whenever I come here.

"Then I'll have to bring it for you tomorrow." He said and lied down on the bed pulling me to him.

"I hope you do." I said kissing his forehead.

"I will. Good night." He promised and kissed my cheek.

"Good night." I said resting my head on his chest.
I woke with my cellphone ringing. When I received it. I saw it was my alarm. As far I remember, I didn't set any alarm.

Suddenly I start shivering. It's so cold. I stood up and found, I was alone in the bed.

What happened last night?

I tried to remember and why was I sleeping alone. Then last nights memories came flooding and I blushed. Was it real or I was dreaming. If real then where's Armaan.

I stood up and looked for him in the house. I can't find him.

Then I went to bed again, when I saw a letter. Did he leave me? Did he realize, I'm not the one?

With shaking hands I opened the letter and read it.

My Ridhimaa,
      Good mornig darling. Sorry to wake you up with that alarm and not by me.. But I had to go out to bring you, your dal pakwan. I can't miss this opportunity of taking you on a date.
     Now, you might be thinking why a note. Well I know you don't go through your phone early morning. So, I wrote you a later. I'm sure you train of thought ran a mile away. Don't panic I'll be back sooner. Till then get ready all of you. We need to leave early today.

Only Your,

I read the letter again and again and had a goofy smile on my face. Especially when I read "My Ridhimaa," and "Only Your,".

I keep that letter in my bag and promised myself to preserve it forever. Then, I went to wake up all of them and asked them to get ready.

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