Secret Talk Part 2

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***** Ridhimaa's POV *****

"It's my business. Especially after what I heard you talking to him." He said sitting very close to me.

"Whatever. Can you go now? I want to sleep." I said moving towards the far end of the bed.

"Only after we are done talking." Armaan said.

"Ok. Be quick, I want to sleep."

"Ok. I don't know how to start." I saw the sad face when he said that, but I'm too stubborn to react.

"From the start." I replied rudely.

He nodded and said. " You always ask me, where are my parents?" He asked me, to which I just nodded.

"Well, they are at my old house. They disowned me, because I can't be the person they want me to be." He said sadly.

"No parents would like their children to be a terrorist. My mom is out of her mind to help you." I said.

"For God sake, will you stop accusing me and just listen to me." Armaan asked in anger, he was about to leave when I held his hand and then took it in both hands of mine.

"I'm sorry, continue." I said softly, because I wanted him to prove my assumption wrong.

He pulled me a bit closer to him and touched my forehead to his, locking his eyes with mine.

"Are you feeling cold?" He asked rubbing his bare hand on my hand.


Not with this closeness.

"Ok. I'm not a terrorist. My parents disowned me because I'm in Merchant Navy. They want me to become a doctor. So, all this years I lied them and whenever we had to go out for training, I said we are going on medical camp." I was shocked of his revelation. Why I couldn't think it this way?

"They said me that no one will like me, no one will marry me. Everyone will hate. I'll have no friends. So, I started lying and your mom have helped me a lot all this years. She was the only one who stood for and with me." He said with lot of pain in his eyes.

His eyes were blood shot red. I can see he was trying to control he's tears. So, I did the thing by which I shocked myself. I jumped on his lap, strangling him I hugged him tightly. The impact was so hard the Armaan fell back on the bed, which means I'm on top of him now. But i didn't care. I hugged him as tightly as I can. I felt him doing the same.

After sometime, I asked, "Why did you hide it from me?" Without moving.

"I wanted to tell you. But your mom asked me not to. And somewhere, I myself was scared to tell it to you. I didn't want to tell you. But today, I couldn't sleep, whenever I tried to sleep, I was having the images of you and Zac, from today morning. So, I came to check on you and take you inside with me, if you were sleeping, so I can cuddle with you. And sleep peacefully." Hearing that I kissed his neck. Which was closest thing.

"But that's when I heard you guys talking and when you started crying, I made my mind, whether your mom like it or not. I decided to tell you everything" He continued rubbing his hands on my back and hair. "That thing which I was making, it's my job. It's a government job. You can't tell about me to anyone, though."

I looked at him hearing it.

"I've a ID to prove it to you." To which I shook my head.

"I trust you and I'm proud of you. I'm sure your parents love you too. They angry because you lied go them. One they will tell you how much they love and are proud of you." After saying that I kissed his both the cheeks.

There was silence for few minutes, but it was a comfortable silence.

"What about those guys who kidnapped me? Where those guys terrorist. And why did they target me." I asked in fear, after sometime.

"No. They weren't terrorist. I like to help people who need my help. Once a lady came to me, telling that a man troubles her husband and said to give him weekly 10,000 rupees. And if he doesn't then they'll kidnap their 5 years old daughter." Hearing that I gasped. "So, I challenged him. I said him if I win then he'll not demand money from anyone, hence forth."

"Then?" I asked raising my head.

"He agreed and I won."


"Wow. But he somehow found out that you are my friend and he can use you against me. That's why he kidnapped you, that day. I clearly remember that day. After you left I came out to tell you the truth. I couldn't see you going that way. But, when I came out I saw them following you. I waited for the right time. I was so scared that day. I felt like my one wrong move and I'll loose you." He said with shaking voice.

"Hey, I'm here, because of you." I said resting my forehead on his.

"I know." He said kissing me on my nose.

"After all this days, I want to ask you one more thing."


"Will you go on a date with me? When we go back to Mumbai."

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