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[ rose is the girl and jeff is the male ]

[ rose is the girl and jeff is the male ]

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08; bubblegum

the two seniors walked into the school together, making people look and stare at the two of them. jeff had given rose a ride to school, something he had begin to do ever since their trip to the next town over, which was almost six days prior. the winter formal was coming up quicker than ever and the word that rose and jeff were going together had spread around extremely fast, most people couldn't wait to see the both of them rock up to the dance together. at that moment, it was a thursday morning and the formal would be the next night.

"remember today is the day we get to do our dance in class," rose smiled and placed her arm on his bicep and squeezed it gently, "let's show lili and lisa how inspirational that song is.".

jeff just chuckled and shook his head, the bubblegum song had become sort of an inside joke that jeff had with the dream team. "i'll see you in class, rosey."

"yeah, i'll see you," rose smiled at him before disappearing from his side to join her best friend lisa at her locker.

jeff walked over to his usual group of friends, a smirk situated on his face and his hands hidden in the pockets of his letterman jacket. montgomery copied jeff's smirk, but on monty's face the smirk looked more cocky than on jeff's face. as he joined the group, which consisted of bryce, justin, zach, montgomery and alex, he felt their looks on him. he knew the questions that were about to come his way about rose and about how she's his date to the winter formal, he knew that bryce obviously wasn't happy about that fact but zach and montgomery were ecstatic about it.

"your welcome," zach winked jeff's direction, "if it wasn't for me you and rose would have never happened."

"shut up dempsey," jeff rolled his eyes playfully, "but thank you anyways."

"hey, i deserve a thank you as well," montgomery scoffed childishly, "if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been her knight in shining armor the other day at the baseball game."

"thank you monty," jeff snorted.

"how'd you get a girl like her to even say yes to you?" bryce asked in a rude tone, if jeff was being completely honest he felt as if bryce was insulting him.

"i just asked her nicely, something you probably didn't," jeff shrugged sassily, making zach and justin let out a quiet ooh at the sudden tension between bryce and jeff.

"whatever," bryce scoffed.

"anyways," alex spoke up, "i heard you asked her outside the dance studio she works at."

"oh how romantic, stalking her and then asking her out," justin joked and laughed.

shaking his head and laughing along with justin's little joke, "i was giving my mother her debit card back, i truly didn't even know rose worked there until ryan came out and deceived me into thinking he was taking me to my mother but was instead taking me to rose."

"ryan?" zach asked in a higher tone than usual, "ryan shaver?"

"no," he shook his head, "ryan as in rose's little thirteen year old brother."

"even her little brother wants you to get with her," alex smirked, "sounds like you've got her and her whole family wrapped around your pinkie finger."

"more like she's got him wrapped around her pinkie finger," montgomery corrected alex.

"yeah," zach nodded his head, the boys were completely excluding the fuming bryce out of that conversation since they were happy that jeff was getting the girl he had been talking about for weeks, "he's whipped."

jeff just laughed and nodded his head, there was no point in denying it, he was most definitely whipped. he wasn't in love with rose, god no he wouldn't be throwing around that four letter word just yet, but he really really liked her and could see a future with her in it. he could just picture them with two kids, him being a famous baseball player and her being the main dancer in a kpop girl group.

"have you guys gotten dates yet?" jeff asked, changing the subject off of him and onto the other boys, "i can't be the only one with a date."

"well," justin trailed off, "i don't have a date."

"neither," monty and zach said in sync as if they had planned to say it together.

"i'm taking jessica," alex coughed awkwardly, "just as friends though."

"oh yeah, just as friends," bryce snorted, "are you gonna hit it?"

"what? no of course not, i'm trying to get out of the dog house not shoved deeper inside of it," alex exclaimed and frowned in the rich boy's direction.

"why don't you tell her your feelings," jeff suggested, announcing the most innocent way to try and get a girl's heart back, "try and be honest with her and don't lash out if she does reject you."

"that's the gayest thing ever," bryce rolled his eyes.

"oi don't say that," justin shook his head

"say what?" bryce asked, confused as to why justin had just snapped at him.

"that it's gay," zach replied instead of justin.

"why not?" bryce frowned, not seeing the big deal or point behind why it was rude to say something was gay.

"because it's offensive," jeff was the next to talk, it seemed that everyone in their little group had figured that his words were rude except bryce himself.

"when did i start hanging around a bunch of pussies?" bryce scoffed and rolled his eyes, "when you guys stop being little bitches, i'll be in the library checking out the chick that's doing work experience for teaching."

cringing, jeff gave bryce a dirty look as he walked away. bryce was one of those friends you couldn't just get rid of, and honestly jeff was too nice to actually tell him off unlike montgomery, but even montgomery was a bit of a dick. in all honesty all of the boys in liberty high were dicks, but none of them could compare to bryce walker, who was like the king of dicks.

"i've gotta get to bio guys, and i'm sure lover boy here," zach grinned his usual cheeky grin that gave him a child like persona and placed both of his large hands on jeff's shoulders, "has to get to dance class."

"i still can't believe you do dance, that's like to girly," montgomery teased, "i can just picture you in a pink tutu jumping around."

"shut up," jeff groaned, "we haven't done ballet yet and i'm debating whether or not i'll drop dance when ballet starts being teached."

"you mean taught," justin corrected.

"whatever," jeff shrugged and laughed slightly, not really caring about the english error.

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