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15; really really

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15; really really

what jeff had planned for their date was simple yet spectacular. he had planned to take her to the movies, to watch the one movie she'd been complaining about not having time too see, then he'd take her out to dinner at the restaurant lisa told him was her favourite and then he'd take her up to the penthouse in the largest hotel in their town, just to get a view of the town at night. jeff had overlooked the town from that room millions of times, but something told him that that night was going to feel different, all because he'd be looking over the town with the one girl he truly appreciated and loved.

at that moment jeff was standing in the hospital, in front of ryan's room waiting to take rose out for their date. ryan was in a coma, and he was not in a good condition, but the park family all tried to stay positive. ryan's skull had been cracked in several different places, two of his ribs were completely shattered, he had chipped the growth plate and cracked the tibia in his left leg and there was a crack in his spine. there was also a constant bleeding on the brain and in his lungs, which the doctors were so determined in fixing first. their father had left only a couple of days after he arrived, since his work was much more important as he believed.

"sorry that took so long, alice was being a dickhead," rose giggled as she squeezed jeff's bicep before she took jeff's large hand into her own small one.

"i love your accent, have i ever told you that?" jeff questioned as they walked in the direction of the exit of the hospital.

"no," she shook her head, "it's an australian accent."

"i know, it's just so amazing coming from you," jeff grinned as he continued to lead the way out. it was true, jeff loved her voice and accent. most of the time when they were talking, jeff wouldn't even be listening to what she was saying only on how she was saying the words. he loved her tone and her pronunciation, he absolutely loved it. he loved it when she got frustrated or mad, because she'd give him a little frown and a glare that would be considered deadly but he thought was adorable and she'd start talking really fast.

the two quickly piled into monty's borrowed vehicle and set out for their first destination, the cresmont cinemas. rose had no clue on what jeff had planned for their valentine's day date, but rose was just going along with everything because she was happy. she wasn't going to pester him about telling her where their going, cause that ruined the surprise of it all really. she just hoped none of it was fancy, since she wasn't dressed for anything fancy. all she had on was a pair of ripped skinny jeans that displayed more then it actually hid and a cropped yellow sweater, nothing fancy and completely casual. but she figured nothing was going to be fancy from the way jeff had dressed also, he just wore his usual letterman jacket, a red shirt and a pair of khaki pants that were scrunched up at the bottom of his nike sb shoes. so she wasn't exactly worried.

"do you want me to tell you what we're doing, rosey?" jeff asked as they quickly approached the cresmont in monty's vehicle.

"no," rose shook her head, "i like surprises, so don't tell me anything."

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