Zach [1]

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Request for Sydney

[Zach gets jealous at the dance when Jeff dances with you]

Tonight was the semi formal dance and you were unbelievably excited to go with Zach. You guys weren't dating but you have definitely talked about it. You and Zach acted like a couple but you both agreed that putting a label on things always complicates a relationship.

Right now you were socializing around the bleachers while Zach talked to the guys. You looked over to the entrance and watched Hannah come in. She looked gorgeous.
"Hannah!" You called and she waved and made he way over to you.
"Hey, you look great" You complemented her and she blushed.
"Thank you, so do you" You brushed off your left shoulder and gave her a sarcastic smug look.
"Eh, I guess I clean up nicely" You both laughed.
"So who did you come here with?" She asked and looked around for your date.
"Zach" You replied kind of rolling your eyes.
"Ou, Zach Dempsey" She said through gritted teeth. You and Hannah were okay friends, so she had no idea about you and Zach.
"I know, I'm a lucky girl" You both looked back at him laughing.
"What about you?" You asked and tapped her shoulder.
"Some friends" She replied and you nodded.
"I wish, Zach's talked to me a total of 3 times and one of those was to find out where Justin was" You frowned and crossed your arms.
"I'm sure he'll come over soon" She smiled, "Or you could go over there" She suggested.
"I could" You pondered.
"Well let me know how that goes" She smiled and hugged you.
"Oh I will" You chuckled.

An hour went by and he was still not talking, so you decided to just sit down on the bleachers.
"Hey! Syd" Someone called and you jumped up at the thought of it being Zach, but it wasn't.
"What?" You asked a determined Jeff.
"Why is a pretty lady like you sitting alone" He asked and sat next to you.
"Ask Zach" You answered and played with your dress.

"Come on" He held out his hand, you took it immediately.
"Let's go dance" He smiled, honestly Jeff is one of the sweetest, most caring guys you've ever met. He deserves the world.
"Didn't you bring a date?" You asked.
"Didn't you?" He replied and you laughed.
"Fair enough"

When you reached the dance floor, he grabbed your hand and dipped you down.
"Oh my god" You screeched. He brought you back up and you guys waltzed around while others were jumping. You couldn't stop yourself from laughing. However halfway during the dance you felt two hands pull you back from Jeff.
"Hey!" You complained.
"What the hell are you doing?" Zach asked, obviously mad.
"Having fun" you replied.
"Seriously, you came here with me" Jeff had backed away and gave you a wink. This was his plan the whole time. He made Zach jealous.
"Did I? Because I don't recall doing anything with you all night, Zach" You snapped at him.
"I didn't know you wanted to"
"Yeah, I came to a dance and got all dressed up to stare at the floor all night"
"I'm sorry, but why were you dancing with Jeff" You gasped.
"Is Zach Dempsey jealous?" You asked.
"No, I'm not jealous" He rolled his eyes.
"You were jealous" You smiled.
"Not really" He gave you a smug look. You gave him THE look and he gave in.
"Okay, maybe I was a little. But can you blame me. I came to a dance with a beautiful girl and she was dancing with someone else" He looked down at your dress.
"You think I look beautiful?" You asked and placed your hands around his neck. Thanks to the heals you were able to.
"You always look beautiful" You gushed and he kissed you. The Night We Met came on, you guys danced and it was actually really nice.

Zach Dempsey. The one boy who knows how to drive you crazy.

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