Justin [1]

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Request for blondiedancerx
(You try to take your own life and he walks in)
Just a quick little thing, when something is requested for a certain person, I use the name they asked for, thanks :)

It just hurts too much, it feels like you're trapped in your own body. Like you're a stranger or visitor in your own mind.


"You asked for it"


"You fucking snitch"


"Don't be such a little tease"


"Who wants to fuck a pig anyway"

How could someone say something like that, you thought. Maybe it's true.

You had heard that it hurts to take your own life, depending on how you did it. You didn't want it to hurt, so pills were the option, even though you had heard survivors of it say it still hurt.

You poured the bottle of melatonin into your hand. Your mom had got you some for your sleepless nights after Hannah, after the tapes she didn't know about.

You fiddled with them in your hand as your eyes welled up with tears. You took one final look in the mirror, and glanced down at the gold necklace with a small J hanging from it.
The chain was gleaming in the bathroom light, it seemed to be the only light in a dark room.

You had remembered the first time you and Justin had connected. Not have sex or anything. Like connect as two different human beings.

"Justin! Stop" he chased you around a tree with muddy hands. You two had went down to the waterhole where most people had parties and got high. But today it was just you and Justin, in the rain.
"Come here, I just want a kiss" He stopped running and pout.
"Awe pour baby" you stick out your bottom lip and started laughing as his face went from hurt to playful again

"Olivia, I just want a high five" he shrugged and you gave in. You inched closer to him and he smirked as he grabbed your wrist and pulled into his muddy body.
"No!" You screeched as he grabbed your face and pressed his lips to yours, getting mud on your face in the process. You and Justin had been dating for a month or so, and it was the best month or so of your life.
"This stinks" you muttered on his lips.
"Okay" he threw you over his shoulder without hesitation and started to the body of water a few feet from you.

"Wait! No, Justin that's not what I meant!" You kicked and pounded on his back.
"That's pathetic Olivia" was the last thing he said before jumping into the water.

Justin Foley, a boy who seemed so predictable before.

Okay you thought and brought the pills up to your mouth. Just as you were about to do it, Justin erupted into the room with tears in his eyes. You had texted a simple I love you and goodbye.

You jumped as he smacked the pills out of your hands and clattered to the floor. Every individual pill hitting the floor sounded like a pounding headache.

"What the fuck Olivia!" Justin grabbed your face as you sunk to the ground and he went down with you. Sobbing, you couldn't say anything. "Why? Why the fuck would you- I can't believe you!" He yelled and you looked up frowning.
"What?" You chokes out.
"You would do that! You'd fucking leave me? How could you leave me?" Tears were streaming down his face. Your heart broke even more.
"I-I didn't know. I didn't know I meant that much" You admitted.
"Are you serious" Justin stood up and left on the ground of the bathroom.

"Justin!" You could barley stand but you managed to get up and follow him. He paced back and fourth in your room. "Justin!" You repeated.
"I fucking love you! More than anything, and if you had done that....... I would have lost my fucking mind! I would've been even more fucked up than I already am!" He yelled and covered his mouth as more tears fell from his eyes.
"Justin," You walked over to him and without saying a thing wrapped your arms around him. He immediately hugged you tighter than humanly possible.

"I'm sorry"  you whispered into his shoulder.
"Don't leave me. I need you" he whimpered.
"I won't, I promise, I won't"

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