Zach [2]

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(You and Zach get in a huge fight about his mom and you break up, but he can't stay away)

You couldn't find Zach all morning. Was he avoiding you?
"Hey, Scott! Do you know where Zach is?" You asked with hopeful eyes.
"Yeah, he's in the gym throwing some hoops" He smiled.
"Thanks" You jogged away and to the gym. You were sort of worried. He only does stuff like this when he's feeling down or really pissed.

You entered the gym, and there he was.......
He was definitely pissed.

"Hey!" You ran up and hugged him from behind. He didn't even acknowledge you. "Is everything okay?" You asked, and he turned with snap.
"Why did you go to my house?" He asked and you backed away slightly. He's pissed because of that.
"Because you left your gym bag in my car and you had practise" you said hesitantly. He swiped his hand through his hair and walked away.
"I could've grabbed it myself"
"Okay, I'm sorry?" You stated more like a question.
"Yeah well, now my mom thinks we're dating" he admitted and it hit you hard.
"Thinks?" You asked with a hurt expression. He looked back at you, "Zach I thought you would've told her about me?" You stepped towards him.
"Why the fuck would I want her to know about you?" He yelled and your heart began to beat faster.
"Maybe because we're fucking dating?" You whispered.
"I didn't mean it like that....." he started.
"How the fuck else did you mean it?"
"Just that, me dating is complicated for my mom"

Tears began to well up in your eyes but you didn't want Zach to notice so you turned the other way.
"Well we're not so, you're good." you continued and you heard Zach turn around.
"Zach, if you're ashamed to tell your mother about me, then maybe we shouldn't be together!" You turned around with tears falling down your cheeks.
"Y/N..." he whispered.
"No! It's fine, I get it. You can tell your mom that we're not dating. That way you won't be lying to either of us" you turned and walked away.


You spent the night crying into your pillow. You had just broken up with the best thing that has ever happened to you. You finally caught your breath and sat up, fixing your hair. You checked your phone and you had thousands of texts from Zach, clearing them all from the screen, it revealed the picture behind them them. It was a picture Zach on the dock. You had caught him off guard, and it was your favourite picture of him.
"Hunny! You have someone here to see you" Your mom yelled up to you.
"Mom, unless it's Sheri, I don't want to see anyone!" You fell back down to your pillow and started crying again.

The door opened quietly and you didn't bother to move. You felt the other side of the bed sink down and the smell of the visitor filled the air. You knew right away who it was.

"Get out" you said.
"Y/N, listen I'm sorry. I- I can't" He went silent and you heard him take a breath. "I can't believe I said what I did. Okay, I'm a fucking idiot" You stayed silent, not sure what he wanted you to say.
"What do you want me to say?" Your voice cracked as did your heart.
"Nothing, I don't expect you to say anything" He sniffled and you sat up and looked at him. His back was turned to you, and you moved so you were right behind him. "Y/N I screwed everything up" He was crying, or about to.

Your heart ached as he started fidgeting with his fingers, stumbling over his words.
"I just- I love yo-" he stopped and the words he almost said was enough for you to hug him from behind. One hand meeting at his chest and the other meeting his collarbone.
"I love you too" you said into his back and he immediately turned around with red eyes.
"Are you sure?" He blinked and grabbed your face. You laughed and kissed him softly.
"I've never been more sure about anything" you grabbed his arms and wrapped them around your waist as you fell back to your spot on the bed.

You and Zach laid there for an hour or so. Not saying anything. Well almost, not saying anything.

"You're still a fucking idiot" You rolled over and looked him the eyes.
"I know, a fucking idiot who walked out of his house after telling his mother that he was in love with a girl named Y/N" he smiled and kissed you.


The next day, you and Zach went to his house to tell his mom everything. Turns out, she loves you, maybe even more than Zach does.

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