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Bad boys always go for the bad girls...it's all a part of this cycle we call life. And yes, good girls intrigue them, but it's so obvious why they almost never work out together.

From all the hours I've spent back in my hometown library snooping endlessly book after book and fantasizing of my future love life, I've come to the conclusion that every single sappy love story in reality goes a little like this: the so called "child of god" will always seek out to change that one specific guy..the bad boy of bad boys, believing that there's a part in him that's pure and good.

And eventually, the girl receives a broken heart and a ruined reputation...because in return the bad boy will turn the good girl, well, bad.

If you saw the expression I gave after I saw Luke face to face that Friday morning when we switched back phones, you'd think, nah she's not that blind...she knows he's not right for her and he'll only cause trouble. That day though, for some reason, a part of me was intrigued and interested to see what was behind that stone wall he'd always continue to build up in his heart.

At first, many thought Luke was the kind of person who would have a heart of gold. But since many never tried to crack that wall of his, he came off like he had a heart of ice; completely frozen. He gave off the physical appearance that could put any Greek god to shame and also had this "no fucks" vibe constantly showing. Luke had a seriously bad reputation..having him well known for getting expelled from 6 different school districts and getting in trouble with the police so much that they even know him by his first name.

Most people call him by the name "Dasher" which one day I hope to find out the story behind it..

Secretly though, behind all that lies something that keeps threatening to ruin Luke's life.

Although Luke was a bad boy, he wasn't your stereotypical type. Unlike his friends who had tattoos, piercings, and always wore thrifty and mysterious clothing, Luke looked like your average teenager with really good bed head hair. In fact, at any first glance Luke would seem like he was the outcast of the group..yet he was the worst of them all.. and everyone knew that.

I, Evelyn Melene Hilton, on the other hand would be your typical good teenager. I always tried my best in school, I actually had somewhat of a future ahead of me, and I lurked in the shadows afraid to come out because I was petrified of what would happen if i did. I never tried to open up to anyone and I still had some innocence left in me.

Although I've been given the iconic title of "bitch" and "whore", I've always tried to keep my head up high and didn't let them get the best of me...most times that is. It's ironic; the older you get, the more different things turn out to be than you once thought it was..

If only someone warned me about the danger I had put myself in that day I took his phone.. maybe, just maybe I could've avoided falling into the traps set out for me...the day I would be falling for Luke Hemmings.

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