I want adventure!

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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Your father left to the county fair to show off his invention and Jamil tried to make a marriage proposal.

Gonna write this now because I don't think I'll be able to during the week. I have a small question, what do you all feel on NSFW in this?


You stood next to your father as he loaded the small wagon he had attached to his horse, Baal. He had a smooth black mane along with a gray coat that almost made him look blue from afar.

Sinbad mounted his horse and looked to you, "what shall I bring you from the market?" He asked as every time he went to the county fair he always came back with a gift for you.

You smiled and pet Baal's mane which brought a satisfied whine from him, "a rose. Like the one in the painting," you said referring to the painting he did a while ago of a red rose.

He chuckled, "you ask for that every year." You'd had to throw one away every year as well given that it starts to wilt soon.

You grabbed your father's hand, "and every year you bring one back."

Sinbad rested his hand under your chin, "then I shall bring you another one." He leaned down to press a kiss to your head. You smiled and stepped away from him and the horse as they were getting ready to leave.

"Bye Papa!" You called out as you waved at him.

"Bye Y/N! Take care while I'm gone!" He called back, he was still apprehensive about leaving like every other year but this time it worse than usual on account to Jamil pinning for you. He shook his head, you'd be fine. After all, you were a strong woman that could take care of herself.

You stood on one of the cobblestone steps as your father rode away, "stay safe..." You mumbled, feeling scared for his journey through the woods. Your father may deny it at times but he was old and you didn't trust going by himself. Unfortunately, he always insisted you stay home and take care of other things.

Speaking of which...

You went inside and gather a few things as an idea came into your mind. You may not look out but like your father, you had a few ideas of your own.


You sat at a small water hole, where the town cleaned their necessities and clothing, reading a book as a mule pulled a barrel filled with dirty clothes and soap. As the mule moved the clothes moved in a circle, thus doing your laundry without having you lift a finger.

"What are you doing?"

You looked up to see the same little girl from earlier that you had begun teaching to read.You remembered her name to be Morgiana, you noticed how she sometimes played with Alibaba, Cassim, and Aladdin.

You chuckled at her confused expression, "just doing the laundry," you answered with some slight disdain as no one ever really liked doing chores.

The little girl nodded and looked at the book in your hands, "can you continue teaching me?" She asked shyly. You smiled as a small blush coated her cheeks and patted a spot next to you.

"Of course. Let's continued where we left off," you said, opening the book to the last sentence you two were working on. Morgiana smile and immediately went to sit next to you.


"T-The cat... ran from... th... the dog..." She trailed off and looked up at you asking if she read it correctly.

"That was amazing! You've been practicing, haven't you?" You asked enthusiastically, turning the page showing her another sentence to read. You looked to her as she read it, she had a small spark in her eyes. It was adorable how happy she seemed.

Beauty and the Beast (Kouen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now