Tale As Old As Time

955 46 13

(Kouen x Reader)

Summary: Jamil and Budel cook up a not-so-good plan while your father grows angry at being treated like a lunatic. Meanwhile, you and Kouen start to get ready for a ballroom dance.


Jamil sat in his usual chair in the tavern while tapping his fingers impatiently against the armrest. It was clear to everyone he was growing irritable, it had been days since he's seen his lovely Y/N (although, even though you weren't his no one had the gall to correct him when he called you his). He was almost considering Sinbad's story to be true, keyword being almost. He still didn't consider himself to be crazy enough like Sinbad just yet. 

Meanwhile, Budel stood behind Jamil wondering how to help him out of this depression. He twiddled his thumbs until something hit him, although not literally for once. "Jamil, I have the best idea!" He exclaimed causing Jamil to look at him both annoyed and interested. 

Budel, seeing his interest, spoke, "we're sure to find a way to get Y/N out from wherever she is once she finds out her father has been... taken away," he explained. It seemed like a perfect way to get her out of hiding and Jamil looked as if he agreed judging by the smirk on his face. 

"Yes, it's perfect. Just about any asylum would take him if they heard his crazy story," he declared, "once Y/N finds out she'll come running out of hiding and when she begs for her father back, I'll strike her with a deal!"

Jamil chuckled to himself as he thought more and more of his "brilliant" plan. He then grabbed Budel by the shoulder and began pushing him out the door, "come, Budel! We have work to do!" He said. 


Ugo looked at Sinbad with worry as he scurried around perfecting his weapons. He tried tidying up for him whenever Sinbad tired himself out, only for it to be messed up by Sinbad when he woke up again. One thing he never moved, however, was the small stuffed rabbit sitting on Sinbad's desk. He recognized it as Y/N's, looking at it hurt him more than he would admit. You were one of his dearest friends and not to mention one of the only people who came into his library. 

He sighed, "Sinbad... Where is she exactly? Are you sure it was even real?" He asked. It hurt Ugo to ask this and to think that something worse could've happened to you but the more he thought about it, the more it didn't make sense. 

Sinbad didn't seem to take too kindly to his insinuation and grew angry. "What do you mean by that?" He asked sternly, "Are you saying I'm crazy as well? That I should be locked up with all the other lunatics?!" 

Ugo flinched at Sinbad's words and clenched his jaw. He swore to himself to never speak of what had happened, but too many memories came back when Sinbad mentioned a castle. There could only be one castle he was talking about and he prayed that it wasn't the one he tried to forget. 

Sinbad sighed in frustration, "if you're only here to think of me as the rest of this town does then I suggest you leave..." He said, turning away from his oldest friend to continue working. 

Ugo let his eyes drift down to the floor then slowly back to Aladdin who was busy sleeping comfortably with a blanket around his shoulders. He let out a sigh, "Sin... That castle that you're talking about..."

Sinbad's brows rose and he turned to look at Ugo's tense form. "What?" He asked, "do you know something?" 

All Ugo could do was let in a deep breath as Sinbad was getting ready to pester him. "That castle," he said, "is dangerous..." 

"What makes you say that? You know, besides the beast who has my daughter prisoner," Sinbad said sarcastically before scoffing and turning back to his work. To him it didn't seem like Ugo had anything useful to say, he could've guessed for himself that it was dangerous. 

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