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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: your father gets lost in the woods and you go after him.

I suppose I was lying when I said I was busy... Thought I was going to be honestly.

Anyway, I need to clear up an issue. Some of you misunderstood my question, anyway, let's start a little lesson here. 

I asked the last chapter how would y'all feel on NSFW? Most of you automatically thought, *le gasp* not that scandalous action!! Sweethearts, I did not mean sexy time, let's go over what NSFW stands for.





And that means something that would not be deemed safe to look at or do at a workplace. Example, what I meant was small little intimate acts like pecks on the neck or lips, now, in my opinion, that would not be appropriate for work cause who would just wanna walk by and see two coworkers just press kisses to their lover's neck? Not me.

Do we understand each other? Yes? Good. 

No? Then I don't know what other examples to say...


Sinbad looked to his surroundings, but as he was in the forest all that could be seen was trees and sometimes the occasional bird or chipmunk. The man grew weary as Baal trotted through the endless sea of trees.

He glanced down at his map with a perplexed look on his face, "we must have missed a turn..." He mumbled as he pet his horse's mane, "where do you think we are Baal?" He asked, chuckling, not even worried that he might be lost.

As Sinbad continued he and Baal came across two pathways with various signs all written very messy and scraggly. Sinbad looked at both paths and nudged Baal to one with a more ominous and dark scenery. Baal took one look and turned to other side which at least had some light to offer.

Sinbad grew annoyed at Baal, "come on, Baal. It's a shortcut!" He insisted even if he didn't look at the map to make sure. Baal only insisted until Sinbad tugged in his reins and forced him that way.

Baal flinched as thunder began to rumble, signaling a storm. Leaves began to shake as hard wind began blowing by, almost knocking Baal off his hooves. Baal then lost all control as lightning struck and split open a tree.

Sinbad went to calm him down and get him off his hind legs, "it's okay, we're safe... You know what they say when one path closes another opens."

If Baal were human he wouldn't have resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

As they continued on with their new path, both began to grow apprehensive. The scenery hadn't gotten much better as the leaves seemed much darker and fewer animals were in sight. The path also seemed slippery as Baal almost lost his footing a few times.

There was also a lot more snow in this path as it fluttered down the trees. Sinbad brushed his hands up and down his arms to generate more warmth as he wasn't expecting the journey to be this cold.

Sinbad froze when he heard a small growl coming from behind, he cautiously looked to the side to see a white wolf with its teeth bared towards them. He snapped Baal's reins, "GO! GO!" He yelled. Baal took off at an inhumane speed to outrun the wolf but it was futile as it only called for more with a howl.

He grew scared as one chased them on higher ground and two other's came from behind, snapping their teeth at the cart attached to Baal. All while snarling and baring their teeth.

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