I'd rather starve

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(Kouen x Fem! Reader)

Summary: Your life hasn't gotten any better all while staying in the castle.

Hey! I got some free time and decided to write the next chapter, you all deserve it for being so patient with me.


"Sister! There's a girl in the castle!"

A little porcelain cup with a small chip on the rim sped around the kitchen on its saucer, excited to see a girl in the castle. It was the first time in years that any of them had seen a human, much less a human girl. Maybe she would break the spell.

A teapot giggled as she looked at the little teacup speeding around the kitchen, "yes, Hakuryuu! We know," she said giggling, referring to the teacup that was too excited to settle down.

Hakuryuu, not listening, continued to jump around the entire kitchen, "what kind of tea does she like?" He asked himself as he began doing small tricks with the help of the saucer, "herbal, oolong, chamomile... I'm too excited, Hakuei!" He exclaimed as he made his way to the tray where his sister was.

"Slow down, you'll break your handle!" She scolded as the stove was getting ready to pour water in her for the tea. Hakuryuu only giggled as he couldn't contain his own excitement as they were finally going to meet her.

"Heads up, Hakuei," said the stove, who was known as Amon, as he began to pour the hot water in her. Hakuei sighed in bliss as she felt the hot water surround her, it really was the only good thing about being a teapot. The hot water always had her feeling nice and calm.


Kouen walked into the dining room, ready to eat whatever the head chef, Amon, prepared. As he sat down with his long red cloak billowing behind him, he noticed the same setup he had at the other end of the table. He grew angry as he knew what they were doing.

"KOUHA!" He bellowed as he swiped hand on the table in anger causing two utensils and a glass cup to fall on the floor, shattering it to pieces. He got up, his chair scraping against the floor, and stormed into the kitchen, ready to yell at his brother.



Koumei and Kouha flinched as the scream echoed throughout the castle, "be calm, let me do the talking," said Kouha as he assured his trembling brother, soon coming in was Kouen with the normal angry look on his face.

"You're making her dinner." He stated as he glared at the clock and candelabra standing on the kitchen table with scared expressions on their faces.

Kouha chuckled a little nervously, "well, we thought you might enjoy the company," he responded with a small smile. They both flinched once again at the hard look Kouen gave them, it was obvious that he wouldn't hurt them but he could be scary at times.

Koumei soon began to stutter in hopes to lighten the situation, "master, I just want to assure you that I had no part of this hopeless plan," he said, a little upset that he was interrupted from his studies for this plan, "preparing a dinner, designing a gown, giving her a suite in the east wing!" Exasperated Koumei, not even realizing he spilled the information of them giving you a bedroom.

Kouen's eyes widened as he heard Koumei, "you gave her a bedroom?" He asked harshly, obviously upset that you were being given good treatment.

Koumei, seeing the anger directed at him, frantically shook his head, "no, no, no. He gave her a bedroom," said Koumei as he pointed to Kouha.

Kouen huffed as he circled the kitchen to try and calm his anger, he growled slightly at the stove as the fire in it grew, the fire dimmed. He seemed angry enough to lash out at the tiniest little thing.

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