Chapter 1

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Jay's POV

It's been about three weeks since the... incident. No one looks at me the same way anymore. I feel awful about the whole ordeal; all the things I did to everyone were absolutely terrible.

At first, the memories of what happened were all hazy; some of them still are, but as they slowly came back I was in shock. How could I have done those things? I hurt my friends. How could I live with that?

I hate to look at myself as well. It's hard getting used to waking up each morning, heading to the bathroom, and seeing yourself with a half-robotic face, even if it has been three weeks.

I guess the good news is that now I have two blue eyes again. Nya had rewired my robotic eye to change from red to blue, so that's nice. I don't look as...evil...that way.

I'm stuck with like ninety-five percent of my body being robotic though. Half my face, chest, one of my arms, a leg was all no longer human. When I get dressed I find myself wondering why the Nindroids had done it that way. To make me look stupid? Probably. Because that's how it looks now. (To me anyways. Can you tell how salty I am about this?? I'm like a Nindroid-cyborg-human-thing!)

I feel so cut off from everyone now. Especially since most of my friends won't even make eye-contact with me. Only Zane, P.I.X.A.L, Nya, and the Senseis will. To have Kai, Cole, and Lloyd treat me differently is hard though. I'm not a different person. I just...look different.

They probably avoid me because of what I did so that's understandable, but it still hurts. I wonder if Zane felt like this at all? He's always been different from the rest of us. (I mean before and after we all found out he was a Nindroid.) I guess I relate more to Zane now, heheh.

P.I.X.A.L sort of feels like this mess is partially her fault. I assure her it's not. Even if I'd like to blame her, that's not the right thing to do. I'm the only one to blame.

Nya seems like she's trying harder to be closer to me. I don't know if it's because she still genuinely likes me or because she pities me. I don't know how she could still like me after what happened.

It's just so hard to adjust back to how it was... I wish none of this had ever happened.


Well, how'd you all like it? Sorry I haven't written anything in a while. I've had no inspiration. I saw a comment on my last story that helped inspire me to write this one! I hope you all enjoyed it and I'll try to update as soon as I can. Love you all 💕

Thanks so much for your support and for reading!

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