Chapter 4

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It was around midnight, and moonlight streamed through my window making the dust in the air dance. It was mostly quiet except for Cole's occasional snores from the other room and the sizzling sounds of lightning coming from my hands.

As soon as we all got back to Garmadon's Temple I locked myself in my room to practice dealing with my lightning. I couldn't have my powers all out of control in the middle of a battle. I could hurt someone I cared about! None of the others really tried to stop me since they all ran off to show off their powers.

I think I'm getting under control of my powers now. I only shorted out the lights in my room a couple times. I still didn't understand why they were acting up for me though. None of the other's powers are. Why is it always me?? It was like my lightning was attacking me or anything metal in the area around me. (Which means I'll be needing a new phone. I don't know how I'll afford that.)

Well, anyways, like I said. I was gaining more control over it. I just had to concentrate harder.

I opened my palms again, took a deep breath, exhaled, and "Lightning!" I whisper-shouted so not to wake anyone.

Blue lightning illuminated my room was sparks danced across my palms. Seemed controlled enough. Although it still seemed to threaten to climb up my arms. It was as if the lightning wanted to attack the metal on my arms and the rest of my body. I decided to further test my powers.

I stood up from my bed and made my way across the bedroom to the light switch. I put my palm on the switch. "Ok, all I want is to get the power back in my room."

It felt weird. Talking out loud like this as if the lightning had a mind of its own, but it made me feel better. It made me feel more under control.

Slowly but surly the lights flickered on and off then stayed on. I smiled. I was doing it! Just as I made this accomplishment the door to my room slid open.

"EEK!" I screeched and the light bulb exploded, sending glass shards flying across the room.

"That is a hazard. You should clean that up." Zane said as he stepped through the door.

"Zane!" I gasped, clutching my chest and breathing heavily, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"My apologies," Zane said as he walked across the room, picking up the shards of glass off the ground.

I helped Zane as my breathing evened out. "So what brings you to my room?"

"Well," Zane began," I do not need lots of sleep, as you know, so I was awake in my room when I heard noises coming from yours. I thought I would come check it out; see if you were ok."

"I'm fine. I was just practicing."

"Practicing what?"

I stopped, "You know, practicing with my lightning. I don't want another, er, incident like today, or something worse to happen."

"I assure you that something like that has a low probability of happening again, Jay." Zane smiled at me. "It was an accident. Most likely because you were excited about having your powers back."

I looked down at the glass shards in my hand, "I don't know. It seems like my lightning is sorta out of control right now. I don't know why. I think I'm getting it more under control, but I don't know for sure."

"If you need help controlling your powers, "Zane spoke as he dumped the glass shards into a trash bin and sat down on Jay's bed, "I suggest you meditate."

"Meditate? Me? Are you joking?" I raised an eyebrow at Zane.

Zane shook his head, "No. I am very serious. You see, my theory is that our elemental powers are connected to our emotions. For example, when you are experiencing a particularly strong emotion, such as anger or fury, our powers will be a little more unstable. To have control over your powers you must be calm, cool, and collected. Focused. Confident. Meditation is a very good way to get into that state of mind."

That might work for Zane, I thought, but calm, cool, and collected doesn't really fit my kind of personality.

I shrugged, "I don't know. That doesn't sound like I'd work for me, but whatever. I guess I could try it."

Zane clapped his hands together. "Wonderful! I shall assist you in your meditation since you have not meditated before."

"Ok sure." I responded.

"We shall begin now." Zane for up from the bed and sat on the ground and cris-crossed his legs.

"What? Now?? But it's like 1:00 A.M.!"

"Exactly. It is a perfect time to meditate since we do not have much distractions right now. Plus, it is very peaceful and tranquil at this time of night." Zane responded.

"Yeah! Because we're supposed to be sleeping at this time!"

"You do not appear asleep, Jay."

"Only because you're keeping me awake!!"

"Do you wish to sleep? Are you tired?" Zane retorted.

"Well, not really." I mumbled.

"Then let us commence with meditation. Now, sit down."

I groaned and sat cris-crossed on the ground facing Zane. "Now what?"

"Close your eyes," Zane instructed, "Take a deep breath. Then slowly exhale. Sit in the silence, and clear your mind. Calm yourself."

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes trying to clear my mind of any thought. I tried my best to rid my head of the many worries I had.
Everything was silent. I could faintly hear the trickle of the falling water from the waterfall next to the temple. I didn't admit it to Zane, but I was feeling more peaceful.

After a couple minutes of silence, Zane spoke again, "How do you feel now, Jay?"

"I guess I do feel calmer." I admitted as I opened my eyes.

Zane smiled, "Good. Now you will most likely be able to focus better. Which means you will have more control over your powers. I know this method works for me."

A smile crept onto my face and widened, "Hey thanks a lot, Zane. You know, I think your right. Now that I think about it, that makes since the whole emotions-are-linked-to-elemental-powers theory. Guess I can check one worry off the list in my head."

Zane stood up, "You just have to remember not to panic in the midst of a battle or training or something. Everything's ok, Jay. Mistakes do happen, and you do not need to jump to conclusions about them."

I got up from the ground as well, "Yeah, ok. Well, thanks. I should get some shut-eye now. Who knows what kind of crazy training exercise Sensei might have in store for us in the morning. Hehe."

Zane nodded, "Yes. I will be going now. Good night, Jay. I hope you rest well."

After Zane had exited the room I got back into my bed. Maybe things are looking up now.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, but here's a new chapter. Kinda added a little headcannon in this chapter hehehe. How are you guys liking it so far? Feedback and constructive criticism is welcome. :)

Thanks for reading!

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