Chapter 2

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Jay's POV

The first thing I heard was heavy footsteps. Then a knock sounded on the door of my room.

"Hey, Jay, you in there? Zane made pancakes. You better come down now if you want any." Cole's voiced sounded from outside the door.

"Okay. Thanks. I'll be right there." I called back to him.

As Cole's footsteps faded, I slide out of my bed. Pancakes did sound good right now. I opened the door and headed down the hallway of Garmadon's monastery which we were staying at for the time being. I didn't know if that was a good idea or not because the Nindroids had already found us here before. I'm not complaining though. I can't think of a better place to lay low.

I headed down the stairs toward the kitchen following the smell of freshly baked pancakes and bacon. Yum.

I walked into the kitchen to find Sensei Garmadon, Wu, and the rest of the gang all crowded around the table while Zane stood by the stove. I took an open seat by Nya.

"Morning, Jay." Nya smiled and passed me a plate full of blueberry pancakes. My favorite!

"Thanks." I returned Nya's smile.

I looked around the the table as I ate. Lloyd seemed lost in his thoughts as he absentmindedly poked at his pancakes with a fork. Cole, of course, was shoveling food into his mouth. Kai was taking a picture of his food with his phone. Wu sipped some of his tea while Garmadon read a newspaper as he ate.

Zane walked over to the table to set another plate of pancakes down. He frowned a bit, "Lloyd, what is the matter? You have hardly eaten anything this morning. Are you alright? Are you unsatisfied with how the pancakes have turned out?"

Lloyd snapped out of his daze once Zane addressed him. His face reddened as he noticed that now everyone's attention was fixated on him. "Oh, uh, no I'm fine, Zane. Your cooking is fine too. I've just been thinking..."

"'Bout what?" I asked.

He looked up at me and then around the table. He sighed, "I've just been thinking that as long as I have all this power the Overlord won't stop coming after me, and now, ever since that... incident"—a quick glance towards me— "we don't know where the Overlord and his Nindroids are. They've made no move. Haven't done anything. It's suspicious. It makes me uneasy. Like any moment he could arise again.
So, what I was thinking was that I'd give up some of my power, and distribute it back to you guys." He glanced around and Zane, Cole, Kai, and me.

Garmadon was the first to speak after Lloyd. He set down his newspaper, "Are you sure that's the right decision? It's pretty risky. We should wait a bit longer before rushing into something like this. Think it through."

"I have thought it through." Lloyd responded, "We don't know how much more time we'll have until the Overlord strikes again! It's already been three weeks. We've given him too much time! The time for action is now. With this plan, it ensures that the Overlord can't get my golden power!"

Lloyd and his father stared at each other for what seemed like forever until Sensei interrupted them.

"I think we should give his plan a chance. Yes, I agree with you brother that it is indeed risky. Sometimes, though, we must all take risks for the greater good." Sensei spoke.

Garmadon frowned. He sighed, "I guess you're right. This is the only plan we've got anyways."

Lloyd smiled, "Who else is in?"

I stood up, "I am!"

Lloyd looked up at me and smiled. And for the first time in weeks he actually held eye contact with me for longer than a couple of seconds. A smile spread across my face.

Zane spoke next, "I too am in agreement with this plan."

Nya stood up next to me and took my hand. My heart skipped a beat. "I'll help in any way I can, Lloyd." A determined look spread across her face.

Cole stood up followed by Kai signaling that they agreed to the plan as well.

"So, where are we headed, leader Lloyd?" Cole asked.

"Back to the Temple of Light."


"How are we supposed to get all the way up there? Do we have to climb the whole thing?We don't have that mech thing we had last time. And your dragon can't fit all of us on it, Lloyd." Kai complained as we all stood at the base of the mountain that hosted the Temple of Light.

"Yeah, we probably will have to climb it. Unless my plan works." Lloyd leaned his head backs and stared up the mountain.

"What plan? There's more to this?" I asked.

Lloyd continued to look up at the mountain as he responded, "Yeah. I'm going to try moving the mountain and making a staircase."

"But Lloyd, you've only moved mountains once. Are you sure you can do this? It's much bigger than the mountains we climbed." Garmadon's voice was filled with concern.

Lloyd's voice was filled with determination, "I know I can do this." He took a deep breath, concentrated, and exhaled.

For a few moments nothing happened then the earth began to shake and the mountain shifted. A winding staircase made from stone emerged from the surface of the mountain.

Once the rumbling stopped, Lloyd looked exhausted, "Ok, so it was a bit more tiring than expected, but I'm fine. Let's go."

"It's still like a million steps." Kai mumbled.

Lloyd shot him a glare, "you'd rather climb the face of the mountain? Be my guest."

Kai shook his head, "nah, stairs are fine. Should try creating a stone elevator next."

He started up the stairs at a jog before Lloyd could do anything to him. Nya rolled her eyes at her brother as she started to follow Kai up the steps.

Yay! Chapter 2 is finished! How are you enjoying it so far?. I promise to add more drama later ;). Thank you guys so much for all your support! Remember, I love to hear from you guys so make sure to leave a comment. Constructive criticism is welcome, and I'm open for suggestions on what should come next. Btw most of this will be in Jay's POV so I might stop writing the POV at the top of the chapter until it changes.

Thanks for reading!!!💕

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