Chapter 5

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It was a pretty good day for training if you asked me. It was sunny, but there were clouds here and there dotted in the sky and a slight breeze blew throughout the grounds. We had to train outside because Garmadon didn't want us to end up destroying anything in his monastery. Which was understandable I guess.

Cole was slumped against a tree, Zane sat on the ground with his legs crossed, a yellow butterfly stood on his finger, Kai was engaged in a conversation with Nya, and Lloyd stood by Cole, enjoying the breeze on his face.

"Hey, guys!" I said cheerfully with a smile, "Ready to train and stuff, eh?"

Nya broke away from her conversation with Kai to walk over to me. She planted a small kiss on my cheek and I could feel my entire face go as red as Kai's gi.

"Mind if I watch you guys train today? Kai's been boasting to me about cool tricks he can do with his flames." Nya asked.

"Y-yeah. Of course, Nya." I stammered.

"I'm also here to supervise." She joked and gave me one of her lovely smiles.

Those smiles always make my heart soar.

Nya turned to the others, "Come on, we're all here now so you guys, so you guys get to it! Sensei wants you to train, and that's exactly what you'll do. No slacking on my watch!"

"Do you think training's a really good idea right now?" Kai said, "I mean with Jay? His powers seem..a bit on the unstable side."

Silence fell after Kai's comment. Nya frowned at her brother. I was taken-aback by Kai'a comment.

"You know what Kai? Your being a real jerk right now! Jay is part of this team! So act like it!" Nya scowled her brother.

I sighed, "Nya, it's ok. You don't have to defend me. I can take care of myself." I clenched my fists and stared up at Kai who frowned in return, "Do you really think that in that untrustworthy, Kai? I know what happened three weeks ago was a horrible series of events that I, and everyone else, wish never happened. But that was three weeks ago. It's in the past! I'm tired of you guys treating me differently!"

I looked around at my friends gathered around me. My voice shook as I continued, "You all are look at me different, you aren't talking to me, and it's like I haven't spend the last few years of my life with you guys! I- I'm the same Jay I've always been, and yeah, I know I look different now but that's all! I already hate myself, but it's worse when my own friends, family, hate me too!"

I sunk to the ground. I was crying at this point. Nya came down and hugged me. A minute later Zane followed and sat down next to me. He hugged me too.

"You know what guys," Cole began. I looked up and could see tears in his eyes too, "Jay's right. We've been awful these past weeks. And there's no excuse. We're supposed to be a team! We're brothers! We've got to stick up for each other, support each other, or otherwise we'll fall apart. And at a time like this, when the Overlord is still at large, is not the time to fall apart."

Lloyd nodded. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me as well, "I'm sorry. Cole's right."

"Heheh." I smiled and hugged Lloyd back the best I could with Nya and Zane still on me. "It's ok, buddy."

Kai exhaled, "Oh gosh. I'm such a jerk. I don't know why I was like that. I've been pretty shaken up by this whole ordeal."

Nya laughed a bit, "You're so stupid sometimes, you know that right? Stupid, hot-headed, and you hold grudges."

She got up and walked over to her brother. She punched him in the side which made Kai yelp. She then hugged him. "You may be stupid, but I still love you, you thick-skulled hot-head."

By this time everyone was crying or laughing or both. But that was ok. I wiped my own eyes and laughed a bit. I got up off the ground.

Cole got up from the tree, "Ok. Feeling Time is over. We've really got to get to training. Like Nya said earlier, Sensei'll be upset if he finds out we haven't trained. Then we'll all be sorry."

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"Cole's right. Let's train. Like I told Nya I've got some lit fire tricks." Kai boasted.

I snickered, " 'Lit fire tricks'? Was that a pun? You never make puns. I'm pretty shocked."

Kai groaned, "You're insufferable. You make the stupidest jokes. I know you've used that one before too."

"So you'd say that you find my puns re-volt-ing, huh, Kai?" I smirked and snickered some more.

Kai groaned some more and this time Cole and Lloyd joined in. Nya, on the other hand, giggled at Kai and me.

"Wire we waiting for guys? Come on! We've got to go train." I chuckled.

Cole facepalmed, "Stop with the electricity pun, please, Jay. Spare us the suffering."

I laughed as the others groaned as they walked away to go train. I walked by Nya's side telling her some more puns while I was at it. Seems like everything was back to the way things were.

Got those feelios in this chapter. Muuuahahaha I'm not sorry >:). Ah, the joys of being an author. Anyways, sorry this chapter's so short. Still sorta have a writers block when it comes to this fanfiction.

Well, finally got another chapter of this story out. Nothing like writing at 3:40 in the morning. Been writing a lot lately in the past twenty-four hours. Started a new fanfiction you guys should check out if you haven't already.

I love feedback and constructive criticism!

Thanks so much for reading!

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