Prologue 🥀

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Miniel's POV

"Hello?" I asked into the creepy darkness of the hallway of my school I was standing in. I was the last student to leave just as I always was, but the darkness taking over was new. Along with the weird dreams I have been having that always say one thing...

"Run away, he's coming for you." It suddenly said again just like in my dream, only this time everything about this felt very real. I wasn't dreaming this time, thats whats scaring me.

"Who's coming for me?" I called out. Hoping I would get an answer, but all I got was complete silence. I started walking forward and I noticed a small light shining down from the ceiling. The light touched the floor then suddenly, a loud pop sounded and with it a beautiful woman dressed in all white standing before me. She looked transparent like I could walk right through her and yet I could still see her. "Who are you?" I asked, stepping back.

"I'm your mother."

I chuckled, humorlessly and shook my head. "No, your not. My mother died when I was 11 and you look nothing like her." I stated. "Who are you?"

She smiled then reached and took my hand, or at least tried, but it went right through me. Her smile fell slightly. "She was your adopted mother. She may have birthed you but I am the one that placed you inside of her."

"Whats coming for me?" I asked, suddenly feeling very cold. I crossed my arms against my chest trying to warm myself.

"A very powerful man who is trying to claim you as his. You must not trust anyone, my child, everyone will soon turn against you."

I watched her start glowing as she sighed. "I am out of time. Remember what I told you. I will try to help as much as I can, but you have your powers. Use them." She said before disappearing.

"Mr Parker why are you still here?"

I jumped and turned around seeing the new English teacher standing there in all his sexy glory. I cleared my throat. "Um sorry I was just leaving." I said, blushing slightly before starting walking towards the doors that lead to the parking lot.

"See you tomorrow." He said in a very creepy voice. Or it was just me freaking out at all the stuff going on lately. First it was the dreams. It was always the same thing. Complete darkness with a voice saying 'run away, he's coming for you'. Then it went to people watching me. One man even got me alone and they always said the same thing over and over. This time it was different though. They never approached me. They always kept a distance then a women saying she's my mother warns me of the same thing. Maybe I'm just going crazy. Ya, thats it I'm sleep deprived. Football practice has me worn out. Even though the feeling in my stomach told me I was wrong.

(A/N- Just got someone edit my stories yay. Shout out to were_dragons4 for being my editer. If you would like to go back through as we edit the chapters with a rose have been edited.)

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