Chapter 6

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Miniels Pov 

Walking down the school hallway alone, I knew what was coming before it did. I finally figures out there motive behind this so I wasn't as scared this time. That's what they wanted was for me to be scared.

"Run." I heard the whisper. It was calm this time and a lot less creepy.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, ignoring the sounds around me. Turning the corner towards my locker a very unmanly squeak came out when I looked down the hallway and seen a man standing there, slightly glowing.

"Let me guess, your going to tell me your my father." I said, crossing my arms across my chest, not once breaking eye contact.

"You always have been smart, child." He said, coming close to me, smirking. "It seems you have already ran into Lucifer."

I rolled my eyes, taking a step back. "Does it matter. You want to kill me anyways." 

He smiled. "Is that what you heard. The amazing thing is you believe it." He smirked, shaking his head. "I don't want to kill you child, why would I want my own child dead."

"I don't know. You tell me. Your the one who won't leave me alone. Last time I checked I was well old enough to make my own decisions."

Michael laighed, shaking his head. "You have been living in the human world far to long, my child. You forgot how heaven works."

"Oh what that I follow next to my dad for eternity no matter what I say I have no choice. Maybe if I had my memories I would remember how shit works. Not that I would care, I would rebel against it anyways." 

"If you run you will die." He said, angrily, trying to grab me but I sidestepped before he had the chance.

"Oh trust me, I'm not running. If anything, I'm facing this head on." I said, pulling my backpack higher on my shoulder. "Now if you will excuse me I have human shit to deal with." I told him, walking away.

"You really want to go against god." He called out making me turn around. 

"No, I don't but I want my freedom and unless he's willing to give it to me then I will fight for it." I said and walking away, ending the so called conversation.

The hallway still hadn't cleared from the foggy mist it had soon collected during my 'fathers' visit. As I was going through my locker I felt a presence behind me making me turn around real fast to see the women who called herself my mother. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"Let me guess, your here to talk me out of it to." I said, shutting my locker after putting my things in. If anyone thought they were going to talk me out of my decision they had another thing coming.

"Actually no."

I turned around and looked at her, slightly surprised. "Then, what are you hear for?" I asked, putting my guard up. 

"I'm here to tell you I'm proud of you. I never got the chance to tell you that the last time we spoke." She said, a small smile on her face.

"I don't get it. Aren't relationships stronger when both parties agree in one thing?" I looked at her. The vibe I was getting from her was far different then the vibe I got from Michael. His was menacing. Almost like he couldn't wait to wrap his hands around my throat. Hers was soft, caring, like a mother should be.

"Yes, that is true, unless you don't agree with what they are doing. Especially when it involves their child." 

I bit my lip and looked away. "Are you telling me your in my side?" I asked, looking at her, cautiously.

She bit her lip and shrugged. "I'm on your side to an extent. I won't fight in either side but I won't agree with Michael in wanting you gone. There are other ways to handle this but he won't see reason and I for one will not condon it."

I stared at her. "But your willing to stay with him." I chuckled, humorlessly and shook my head. "Does he at least know you don't agree with him"

She nodded. "He also knows I'm on your side but I won't fight."

It didn't help any knowing that but she was my mother. She didn't start this, my dad did and I was going to finish it even if I had to kill him. They were underestimating me, thinking when I got my memory back that I wouldn't have the guts to kill my family. They were sorely mistaken.

"Why do they want to kill me. All I want is to spend my life with Lucifer." I said, crossing my arms. 

My mother bit her lip and sighed. "Honey, that's not the reason." 

I looked at her, expectantly, waiting for her to continue. "Well, what is the reason."

She looked away, hesitantly then looked back at me. "Remember when I told you were going to be very powerful, well the power you will receive will be more then even god has. In the Christian bible it states that Lucifer and God would fight on earth but what is really to happen is you and God will fight. It is said that you will win since you are more powerful but god is one step ahead. He has an army with a lot of power."

I sighed. Remembering what was in my father letter it sounded the same but something was different.

"He has more then what you have ready for. Until you get your power and go to hell with Lucifer you won't be able to get things ready." She said. "Don't give up though. You will win." She said before vanishing in front of me.

I sighed and shook my head before putting my books in my locker. I was done with this day already and I was just barely half way through it.

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