Chapter 4

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Miniels Pov

"My dad said I had to read the letter. That it was important." I said, rushing to Jackies house and probably breaking every speed limit law there was to break.

"That letter can't explain everything though. There has to be more your dad was hiding in that box."

"He said something about me being powerful. He talked like I have been alive for centuries and not 17 years." I told her pulling into her house. "For now let's just grab the box the rest of the stuff can wait." I sajd, getting out of the car and rushing towards her door.

"What do you think we are going against?" She asked, coming behind me with the box. I took it from her so she could open the door then followed her upstairs after a quick jello to her mom. Once we got to her room we shut the door and locked it before sitting on her bed.

"I don't know what we are going up against but my dad said it was so powerful that even god himself couldn't go against it. If I am as special as he says I can do something. If that women I seen yesterday is who she says she must know something and thinks I can help." I said, opening the lock box. I looked at Jackie then opened it.

"There's the letter." She said, pointing at a piece of striped notebook paper that had my name. I took it and scooted the box away. 

"What if I am a lot older then what I think?" I asked, no one particular as I stared at the letter.

"Maybe we should wait to read the letter and see what else there is." Jackie suggested, putting her hand on my arm.

I sighed and shook my head. "No, this letter has been in my head since the day the police came to the door with it. I need to know what's in it." I slowly open the letter and sighed before reading my mother's amazing handwriting.

Dear my dearest son,

I'm sorry that I have left you so soon but it was my time to go. I know that what you are going through right now must be very confusing but you must understand that I love you very much and so much wish I could be there to help you.

The reason I'm writing you this letter is to warn you. Now that you have turned 18 you are going to get a power that could destroy the universe if put in the wrong hands. I know that this is very confusing but you must understand the people coming for you want to help. I know you have been seeing a few things that no normal teenager should see but the people telling you to run are the people you need to run from. They are the real danger. Your father and I have tried to protect you from what is coming but it's meant to happen. There was nothing either one of us could do. I'm sorry I'm not there to help but I will be soon. 

I love you, Son. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me or your father and we wish you the very best.



I looked at Jackie and sighed. "Is there anything more?" I asked, setting the letter aside.

She grabbed the box and pulled between us. "There's another letter that looks like it's from you dad and some pictures." She said, handing them to me.

I took them and looked at the pictures. Once I got a good look a dropped them and stood up. "Oh god." 

"What?" She asked, confused.

I pointed to the pictures and shook my head. "This can't be right."

"Whoa." She said, looking at them. "Read your dad's letter. It has to explain more."

"What more can that picture explain. I'm standing there with fucking Angel wings, Jackie." I said, slowly freaking out.

"You could have the wrong idea." She said, handing me the letter.

I sighed and took the letter opening it.

Dear Miniel,

I know your confused. I'm sure your mother was brief like she always has been. What I'm going to tell you is important so I need you to read what I wrote very carefully.

I'm sure you have already looked at the pictures and you are going to assume your an angel. You have always been very smart. What you assume is correct. You are not my biological son. While your mother did carry you and birth you, neither I not your mother are your biological parents. We aren't angels either. We are what Christians would call demons. We are a work of the devil but please, son, don't believe everything you hear. I know your scared, but you need to know this. You won't remember any if this because when you were in heaven you were given another chance. A chance to do good but it's not going to work. 

I'm going to try and go into as much detail as I can but please bare with me, this is just as hard for me as it is for you.

While you were in heaven before the world was even created, you were the son of Michael. As I'm sure you have read the bible, Michael is also the brother of Lucifer. When you were conceived Lucifer, your uncle took a liking to you that everyone believed was innocent until you became of age and gained your wings. When this happened a love struck between you to that no one could stop, nor could they control. When Michael found out about the love affair he and God banished him to hell to live a life he never thought he would have. Not everything you have read in the bible is true. You were punished as well but not to the extent. You are to live until your 18th birthday on earth, if you pass without sin you are aloud back into heaven without anything more. If you are to sin, they will come for you and make sure the world never knows your name again.

What they didn't expect was for you to come into some great power. Power that God cannot control. The people coming for you is god and your father. They want to destroy you because they think you are going to take over heaven.

You must'nt run, child. Fight tooth and nail once you have won you and Lucifer will be together, I promise.

I love you, I always will. I'm sorry I had to leave the way I did but your father is vengeful and don't take to kind to prisoners. Be careful and listen to what I said.



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