Chapter 8

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Miniels Pov 

Opening my eyes slowly and groaning I look around. This was not what I was expecting when I came to hell. Then again I couldn't see much considering I was upside down and chained to what looked like a cross. Hearing voices I look to my side to see a man and Jackie standing tgere arguing. 

"I don't care what he thinks he knows. I still have power down here as much as he does and chaining him to a fucking cross is stupid. I have been with himing enough to knows he's not a fucking threat." She whisper yelled then looked over at me and sighed. "He's awake." She sajd, much louder making the man she was talking to look at me.

"I'm going to get Lucifer." He said then walked out of the room as Jackie came and stood in front of me. 

"What's going in?" I asked, swallowing harshly. 

Jackie shook her head and sighed. "You will see when Lucifer gets here."

I looked at her. "My head is killing me anyways I could get off this thing?"

"Not until I know it's safe." Lucifer said, standing next to Jackie who rolled her eyes and walked to a table and sat at one of the few chairs that was by it. "Turn him upright." He ordered and soon I was staring face to face with red eyes who looked pretty angry.

"Why am I chained to a cross?" I asked, slightly scared if what was happening and confused. I didn't feel any power and memories had come to me yet. At least not that I know of.

"I'm sorry." He said, walking close. "I have to make sure your not a threat." He whispered. 

"Why would you think I was a threat?"

"I could see it in your eyes. The conflicting emotions you were going through after the visit from your parents."

I looked at him then looked away and over to Jackie was was sharpening a knife. She didn't even seem like she was paying attention to anything going on around her. I looked back at Lucifer. "Why can't I feel or remember anything?" I asked, pulling against the restraints.

"Because it's not quite midnight yet. You have about 5 minutes to go." He said, crossing his arms. "I love you, I do."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "If you really think I believe that now, your pretty fucking stupid."

Lucifer chuckled and looked down at ground. "Believe what you want but it's the truth." He looked back up at me and smiled. "I couldn't have you come down here and put an end to hell. As much as god doesn't want to believe we need hell as much as we need heaven."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Right, so me thinking about you none stop for the past month probably longer then that didn't give you a little clue on how much I was ready to come down here to be with you." I smiled and shook my head. "Maybe I should take Michael up on his offer."

Lucifer looked at me and if looks could kill I would be six feet under. Then again, I am well under the ground as it is.

"Wait, what offer?" Jackie asked, walking up beside Lucifer with her arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Lucifer obviously knows and if he seen what happened he will also know, I declined the offer." I looked at him. "Jackie also knows that I happened to be very excited about coming here to be with you."

Jackie bit her lip and looked at Lucifer. "I told you this was stupid."

"Shut up, Tara." Lucifer said, looking at her as she walked back over to the table.

Growing up and having a fascination of the underworld and who was there helped a lot to understand how things worked down here. It also helped me understand that what I thought I knew about Jackie wasn't all there was. "Tara." I swallowed the small lump in my throat as I stared at her.

Jackie smiled. "At your service, baby."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "She's got more balls then any man down here."

I looked at Lucifer and rolled my eyes. "Obviously." I told him and looked back at Jackie. "So, you knew this whole time and never thought to tell me."

Jackie, or Tara, whatever her name is, looked at me and sighed. "I couldn't day anything. The sooner you found out the more trouble you were in. The only reason you found out when you did was because of Michael attacking you and your parents dying. If you had the chance to wait for your 18th birthday, none if this would be happening." She said, looking at me. "For the record, this wasn't my idea."

I rolled my eyes but I already knew. This was Lucifers idea and it really pissed me off. "I know." I told her, looking away. "So, when is this almighty power supposed to start?" I asked, looking between the two right before a horrible pain in my head started. I closed my eyes as images started flashing behind them. One after another flashback went through my head of when I was born until I was sent to the human world. The way Michael looked at me when I was sent, sent shivers down my spine. 

Once the pain was gone I opened my eyes and looked Lucifer with a glare. I could feel the power going through my veins. It felt amazing.

He cleared his throat and stepped back. "Remember you love me." 

I bit my lip and looked at Tara. "Get me down from here." I pretty much ordered not even meaning to.

"Remember, Miniel, this was all Lucifer." She told me, making me roll my eyes. She walked over and untied my feet then hands. I hopped to the floor then crossed my arms and started at Lucifer.

"You already said that already." I told Tara not taking my eyes off of Lucifer. "No sex for at least a month." I told him, smirking before walking out the door.

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