Chapter 11

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(Mature content ahead. If you don't want to read it then skip this part. You wont really miss much but if you still want to read but dont want to read the mature part. Its about half way down. You will know when you get to it.)

Lucifers Pov

I watched Miniel walk away with a sigh. This isn't exactly how I wanted our reunion to go but I guess i will have to deal. I wish things could be different. I wish God didn't think he had to rule over everyone and their choices. It's their life, let people live it the way they want to.

The only people who should be in hell right now are the people who hurt kids and other people. They try to run things their way and think those people should die when it's the other way around.

They did this to Miniel. They tried to run his life in heaven and decide who he should and shouldn't hang out with. The kids had it harder then what he showed. To other people he looked proud to be the son of Michael but on the inside he hated it. I would to. 

Rubbing my hand across my face I stand up and walk out of my office. I notice Azazel walking towards me, coming from my room. I put my hand out, stopping him. "You haven't seen Lord Miniel have you?" I asked him, putting my hand back down to my side.

"I just showed him to the guest room you had me prepare earlier. Although I tried to take him to your room." He answered, biting his lip.

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

He bowed then scurried off as I made my way to Miniel. 

Azazel was by far my favorite here, not counting Miniel now that he is here. Azazel has helped me a lot with my departure to the human realm. While I was away he took care if things as did my boys. They were all a great help and I couldn't be more thankful for them.

Letting Azazel get back what he was doing I walked towards Miniels door. I thought about knocking at first but decided against it. Opening the door slowly I seen him laying in his bed facing the window that shown hell at night. It was quite a beautiful sight if you didn't think about where you were and why you were here, weather you were born here or died and sent to the prison. 

It says in the bible that when you go to hell your soul will forever be tortured by my hand or my helpers hand and while this is true I do things a little different. Like standing at the gates of heaven hoping God will give you a second chance I as well look at all the things you have done on earth. If you were anything that your soul deserves to be tortured then I will put you where you are to go. 

I don't handle rape, murder or anything like that, unlike what the bible says. I was an angel at one time. I know what good is and while I'm not the best and would rather see a person being tortured for the rest of eternity then watch a stupid love story on tv I know where good and bad are and if your here for simply being gay then I do as the government does on earth to people who decided to jump ship and make a legal life here. I put you up in a nice house and make sure you have everything you need.

Shaking my head i slowly close the door behind me and walk over to the body laying on the bed. I slowly pulled back the covers and slid into them. "Baby." I whispered and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Are you asleep?" I asked, kissing the back of his neck slightly.

I felt him move a little before turning his head towards me, his eyes closed but there was a small smile on his lips. "I'm sorry." I whispered, brushing his hair from his face. His skin has always been so soft as well as his hair.

He opened his eyes to look at me before he sighed. "I'm sorry, too. I overreacted. I just have to get used to things down here I guess."

I bit my lip and shook my head. "You wanna go to our room and lay in a comfortable bed?" I asked, smirking slightly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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