Chapter 66- Home

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Amanda's POV

I pulled away from the kiss, just looking down at Louis with a smile. My head and mind were a bit clouded from the alcohol I had consumed earlier but it didn't change the fact that I still loved him with all my heart. Louis was really the only thing I actually had left to love. My parents abandoned me, my older brother is gone, and my other brother is just not a good person at all. Without Louis I feared I wouldn't love anything and I would just be an upset person for the rest of my life.

"What're you thinking about?" Louis asked curiously as he looked up at me.

"I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to be able to call you my boyfriend," I replied, a smile spreading onto my lips. "I have a question," I murmured, the smile faltering slightly.

"You can ask me anything," Louis replied, the corners of his lips twisting upward in a smile.

"I want you to be honest Louis, why did you hurt me?" I asked, my face growing serious as I looked down at him, his smile almost instantly fell from his face.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise, I would never hurt you," Louis murmured, taking one of his hands off my hips to place it on my cheek. He used the pad of his thumb to stroke the skin softly, never taking his eyes off mine.

"But you did Louis, you did hurt me. It's not so much the physical pain that bothered me, it was the actual thought of you hurting me that bothered me," I mumbled, shutting my eyes so I didn't have to look at him anymore.

"Baby girl, I'm so sorry, I'll never hurt you ever again, I feel terrible for what I did to you, I'm so sorry baby," Louis whispered.

"You promise not to hurt me again?" I asked, opening my eyes to meet his gaze.

"I promise I'll never lay a single finger on you if it means I'll hurt you," he replied quietly.

"Okay, good. I love you so much Louis," I murmured. I stopped straddling him but I didn't get off him, I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, my legs tangling with his.

"I love you too Amanda, I love you more than anything in the entire world," he whispered, stroking my hair softly as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

We laid like that for awhile, not speaking, not hugging, not kissing. We just enjoyed each other's company as we thought. I had missed Louis so much I didn't care what we did now, I just wanted to be with him and it seemed to me he just wanted to be with me which made me happy.

"Why don't we go back home, change into comfortable clothes and watch a movie, we will get your things from Zayn's house in the morning, yeah?" Louis finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me," I replied with a smile.

I got off of Louis, standing up on my feet as I waited for him to get up. As soon as he was standing next to me he took my hand, intertwining our fingers. He smiled down at me before he began walking, pulling me along with him. We walked side-by-side just holding each other's hands before we reached the gate. I climbed over first, Louis following close behind. As soon as we were both on our feet on the other side of the gate Louis took my hand again and just like before he intertwined our fingers. We began walking down the sidewalk together towards Louis' house, our house.

Once we finally reached the house I let go of Louis' hand and ran up the stairs, running straight for Louis' bedroom. I jumped onto the bed, laughing to myself as I cuddled into the blankets, breathing in the scent of Louis that was left behind. I could hear him chuckling as he entered the room.

"You don't even know how much I've missed this bed," I mumbled, smiling up at him.

"And you don't even know how much I've missed seeing you in this bed with me," he murmured, walking over to the bed and sitting down on it. He picked me up and laid down, laying me down on top of him, his arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked up at him with a smile, noticing he was smiling back down at me. I placed a hand on his cheek before I leaned up, pressing my lips against his. He kept his hands wrapped around my waist as he smiled into the kiss causing me to smile as well. Louis slowly pulled away from the kiss but I pouted, wanting more. As soon as he saw me pouting he chuckled and pressed his lips against mine again causing me to smile. I sat up, straddling him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, never breaking the kiss. I began tracing small love hearts into the back of his neck lightly with the tip of my finger causing him to shiver slightly which made me smile. He ran his tongue along my lower lip, asking me to open my mouth wider so he could slip his tongue inside my mouth. I pulled away slowly and this time it was his turn to pout. He honestly looked so cute while pouting, his lower lip jutted outwards and he made big puppy dog eyes which I really couldn't resist. I sighed slightly, pressing my lips against his for a third time. This time I opened my mouth a bit wider allowing us to use tongue as we kissed. I bit down on his lower lip lightly causing him to smirk against my lips as we kissed. Louis' hands began to wander up and down my sides, slowly finding the zipper to the dress and unzipping it. Once I realized where this would lead I pulled away quickly, getting off the bed, and backing into the wall while zipping my dress again. Louis' eyes widened as he saw how nervous I had became.

"Amanda I'm sorry, I forgot about what happened, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," Louis murmured standing up off the bed and approaching me.

"It's okay Lou, I'm just not ready to try again," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him tightly, hiding my head in his chest as he hugged me.

"Well I'm not ready either if you aren't," Louis whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "Why don't we get out of these wet clothes and put on something dry then find a movie to watch, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay. We are watching Robin Hood though," I giggled as I pulled away, smiling up at him. Robin Hood is my favorite movie ever, I don't know why I like it so much I just do.

"Alright, Robin Hood it is then," Louis chuckled, smiling down at me.


Hey everyone, I'd really appreciate it if you read my new fanfic Room 3068, there are only three chapters so far but I am trying to update more often. I love you all xx

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